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cant get into the game



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When i got the game and started it up i logged in and it did the normal *logging in* thing then after that it did nothing, so i tried again and left it for a bit longer so about 15 minutes and nothing happened. would love some help this game looks Great.

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Seems you were placed in the ghost queue. Normally, a queue position shows up. Occasionally, the client keeps this invisible.


Though 15 minutes sounds alot, this morning I personally was placed at like 800 - on Blue, even. Took quite a while.

- Restart your client if this happens again.

(24) Badges / (12) OT Shiny / (0) Life

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It's a ghost queue, the same queue as usual, but the UI isn't showing.

The queues are longer than 15 mins atm, you can keep relaunching the game until it loads, but you're just putting yourself at the back of the queue each time


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Guest Evenios

seems to me more servers need to be added or if one of the "membership" perks were VIP login access or something like that. nothing more frustrating then trying to play a game that you have to wait 20 minutes just to log in, honestly ive rarely ever had a problem with games like that. ..very frustrating. which also means once you log in things will likely be overcrowded .......

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209176 seems to me more servers need to be added or if one of the "membership" perks were VIP login access or something like that. nothing more frustrating then trying to play a game that you have to wait 20 minutes just to log in, honestly ive rarely ever had a problem with games like that. ..very frustrating. which also means once you log in things will likely be overcrowded .......


There will never be membership priority queue, as Windypuff has stated in her post here. I also suggest reading this topic on the subject of server expansion.


Adding a membership priority login system is unfair to users who don't want to pay for a membership. This is a free-to-play game, donations are not mandatory and should not give benefits that essentially freeze out users who don't or can't donate. Furthermore, the in-game population is always fluctuating - the game may seem overcrowded now because it has recently been streamed by popular Twitch/Youtube users and thus gained a surge of new users that way. But many new players will join for a few weeks and quit, letting the server population stabilize. Stick it out and queue times will go down.


In the meantime just queue up and find something to do while you're waiting, like reading a book, watching a movie, going on social media, etc. The queue will go by faster than you think.

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