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214437 Man u seem to be honest about it and it seems to me u just have been a bit confused.

As long as u didnt want to scam them i think u dont have to worry about it.


What i hate is that everyone expect every player to know how trade works. Its not like u have to do this or this and read rules before u can put pokes into the trade channel.

And especially if i read what 2 of them wrote it just makes me sick and i didnt want to go to trade chat. xd

90% in trade seems super selfish to me, its painful.^^


Really need that auction house, but they are already working on it. This might prevent ppl arguing....

There are trade rule-sets on the forums, as well as public punishment policy. Staff duty is to enforce those rules, not to remind them.

You can't just start a market on your own into an already formed market and expect the change everything.

Will the person be banned? Possibly (for a day or two) tho this doesn't mean exceptions will be made. Its not the staff's fault if you haven't read them.

As for other people who seem to spam others with pms about trades; if it has become an annoyance you can always ignore them or screenshot the repetitive spam and report it.


...And all will burn, beneath the shadow of my wings.

All we can tell from the pictures is that OP suggested 200k and then took a better offer instead. What is so wrong with that?


To me it seems like the two people saying they will report OP are just trying to take advantage of someone who isn't as aware of pricing especially when there's potential to triple their investment, they're clearing trying to rush OP into making a decision and when it's clear that OP isn't a native English speaker it's easy to become confused. It would be disgraceful to have this warrant a ban.


Why is going back on a deal something so frowned upon? It would be completely irresponsible to never go back on deals. You think a company selling a product would stick with a deal of $200,000 if someone else offered $600,000 for the same thing? This is exactly what's happening here, OP may have accepted a deal for 200k but then s/he was offered a much better deal and took that instead like any logical business model would do.


The people who only offered 200k to make a quick buck are the people that should be punished. Purposely low-balling is a much worse situation than backing out of a deal.



There are trade rule-sets on the forums, as well as public punishment policy. Staff duty is to enforce those rules, not to remind them.

You can't just start a market on your own into an already formed market and expect the change everything.

Will the person be banned? Possibly (for a day or two) tho this doesn't mean exceptions will be made. Its not the staff's fault if you haven't read them.

As for other people who seem to spam others with pms about trades; if it has become an annoyance you can always ignore them or screenshot the repetitive spam and report it.


Well, good points. Ignorance is no excuse.

And im sure staff deciding right, i dont have worry about it. I just said how it looks like with his posted screens. ;)


But what ive seen and what i always hear and read is that ppl are super fast with threatening to report someone. Tho u are also right here, he has the same option as everyone to report them for that, if he wants to.

214486 To me it seems like the two people saying they will report OP are just trying to take advantage of someone who isn't as aware of pricing especially when there's potential to triple their investment, they're clearing trying to rush OP into making a decision and when it's clear that OP isn't a native English speaker it's easy to become confused. It would be disgraceful to have this warrant a ban.



i couldnt explain it better. :Heart:

I for one am all for mutual trust between community, I myself have sold a magnemite with sturdy and timid nature with godly ivs for just 10k because I promised someone, he even told me that it was worth much more, but I don't go back on my words, I hope you don't get banned for this though :) GL.

Technicaly speaking, you cannot threaten a player into selling his stuff, that falls under harassment, which is also punishable. That being said, punishment will always be issued equally based on the offense, which creates a middle point. It may seem harsh by the looks of it, but with proper community moderation (reports) and staff enforcement, scammimg / threatening / harassing will not be an issue in the long run, considering that your punishment will always be increasing on repetitive offenses, eventually weeding out players whom add negativity into the community.


...And all will burn, beneath the shadow of my wings.

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