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Hi everyone,


I hope everyone is just fine and ty to take time to read my post.


Im TICOSU from Costa Rica, I have only a couple of days in game and already love it. I played pokemon younger but never in a high level, I play this kind of game just for fun and probably this will be the same case.


Im a spanish speaker but I can also talk a little bit of english, so if you wanna add me in game to chill will be awesome. I will be here for a long time I hope, Im in blue server with membership already.


So if you want to have a noob like friend or in your guild will be able for that.


Regards :Grin:

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Hello TICOSU, welcome to PRO! We're glad to have you here with us. :) I'm happy to hear you're having fun playing PRO!


We have a variety of ways to support you if you need assistance, here on the forums. You can check out the Game Guides for details on specific quests / game mechanics, or you can seek Live Chat support at our IRC channel. We've also got the Frequently Asked Questions to help guide you through the game. I noticed you mentioned joining a guild, so I'd recommend hopping over to the Guilds subforum to look into applying to some of the guilds in game.


Finally, feel free to post in the General Support subforum if you're struggling with any aspect of the game and need help.


Good luck, and enjoy your game!



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