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Cannot connect to Yellow Server


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Im trying to connect too. I tried to connect to blue server and it sends me normally to the queue. But when i try to connect the yellow server it stays saying loggin in and then the message dissapear without sendin me in to the queue.

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223211 Im trying to connect too. I tried to connect to blue server and it sends me normally to the queue. But when i try to connect the yellow server it stays saying loggin in and then the message dissapear without sendin me in to the queue.

You're in a ghost queue. You are still connecting to the server but you cant see the queue, you can either wait it out or restart your client a few times to fix it.


Check out PRO's Official Discord:


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223219 when i try to connect my screen freezes and leaves that message

223220 Happening to me aswell.


Seems to be a minor bandwidth issue. However, trying a couple of times and/or restarting the client should fix it. You'll be able to login eventually.


Good luck, best regards.

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