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Hi guys im willing to go hoenn this day or tomorrow, and i am willing to buy the ff.


riolu, torchic, axew.


ill pay for it and i dont need epic iv and good nature on it, just want to end hoenn with those pokemon.


if u r interested to sell me those u can pm me ingame the price or post here.


/friend youraxx27


Note: Im not yet starting in hoenn, i will go to hoenn if someone sell those pokemon to me and meet me in

poke center (Odalle/Petalburg town?).

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As long as you are not interested in evs then have a look on the following

1) https://prntscr.com/c24rw0

2) https://prnt.sc/c24ssr


and i can suggest you the following for dragons (rayquaza) and other quests such as Deoxys, it has a good ability and nature to complete Hoenn easily


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If you still want a level 50+ poke, i offer this Alakazam, it is good to beat Rayquaza and Deoxys, also helps against the dragon type high command. Hidden power is Dragón.





It is level 99 but i can add a rare candy to become level 100.


Price: 100k


Thanks and success!

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