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Hi guys. Sorry if it's a common question, I couldn't find it with search...



So, I just reconnected in PRO. My account is resets, for I didn't play for a long time.

Before I stopped play, I had a Lapras and Houndoom mounts. Right now I still have the images in my left bottom corner.




But I can't click on them. So do I still have them or not ?


230935 Yes, I was on the wrong server. But I restarted on the red one, where there is still my game, but I still can't use my mount.

Make sure you log in the right account, we have many case, people log in the wrong account or their forgot the account they have.

230953 Wait, like I have 2 account on my email address, and the mount is available only on one of them but the image appears on both ?


Sorry for the spam, but I really need to know if I have to buy another mount or not ^^

Hi there, we just check your account, you still have Lapras and Houndoom mounts... Try to re-shortcut your item in item bar, and it will work.

230980 Sorry for the spam, but I really need to know if I have to buy another mount or not ^^

the mount will show up in the hotbars of whatever account you log onto, until you change it for that account. Unfortunately in this case, I think I know your issue. The mount is only purchased on one account, so that account the hotbar will work. On the other account, the one you haven't purchased the mount on, it won't work because you don't have that item. You would indeed have to get another mount. I hope that helps clear things up?



[glow=magenta]I am but a humble Former GM / Moderator.[/glow]

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