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Double account


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Heya! I got a question for staff people (or maybe members who would know the answer): If I happen to have a desktop computer and a laptop in my house, can I use them to login on two accounts? At least for trading evolutions purposes or stuff like that.


Note: I've searched for a topic like this and didn't find anything similar, also read all the rules and I saw a line that problably talks about it but I'm not quite sure since I didn't fully understand what "proxy" means. ("2. You are permitted to have 2 accounts per email address and up to 4 per person. We do not offer support for proxy cases. If you are found linked with someone via proxy you will be banned if a ban issued is an IP ban.") Sorry if it was too obvious but I just wanna make sure :P

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...Why wouldnt you be able to?


I mean as far as playing its probably frowned upon.. But there are loads of people who live with another person who also plays the same game.. they cant really go around blocking that. So unless they do they cant really stop you from playing on two accounts.


The discussion you found in the rules explains exactly what you're most likely looking for


1. You can have 2 accounts made per email.

2. You can have up to 4 accounts per person in total.


Proxy is nothing you have to really worry about. If you don't know what a proxy is, chances are you arent using one and have no need to use one. A really loose and poor explination of a proxy: A proxy is used as a separate connection instead of your direct internet connection it connects to another. It helps people be a bit more anonymous it also used to bypass things such as region locks and bans.

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234325 Heya! I got a question for staff people (or maybe members who would know the answer): If I happen to have a desktop computer and a laptop in my house, can I use them to login on two accounts? At least for trading evolutions purposes or stuff like that.


Note: I've searched for a topic like this and didn't find anything similar, also read all the rules and I saw a line that problably talks about it but I'm not quite sure since I didn't fully understand what "proxy" means. ("2. You are permitted to have 2 accounts per email address and up to 4 per person. We do not offer support for proxy cases. If you are found linked with someone via proxy you will be banned if a ban issued is an IP ban.") Sorry if it was too obvious but I just wanna make sure :P


It's allowed.




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234325 Heya! I got a question for staff people (or maybe members who would know the answer): If I happen to have a desktop computer and a laptop in my house, can I use them to login on two accounts? At least for trading evolutions purposes or stuff like that.


Note: I've searched for a topic like this and didn't find anything similar, also read all the rules and I saw a line that problably talks about it but I'm not quite sure since I didn't fully understand what "proxy" means. ("2. You are permitted to have 2 accounts per email address and up to 4 per person. We do not offer support for proxy cases. If you are found linked with someone via proxy you will be banned if a ban issued is an IP ban.") Sorry if it was too obvious but I just wanna make sure :P


In order for you to open 2 accounts from the same PC you need 2 different IPs, a "Proxy" which is basically a new IP for you to use in order to open your second account,is not provided by the server of PRO itself.




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234362 In order for you to open 2 accounts from the same PC you need 2 different IPs, a "Proxy" which is basically a new IP for you to use in order to open your second account,is not provided by the server of PRO itself.


no need for a proxy there, you just can put a second copy of PRO in another folder and run both at the same time.


All credit to Jaszie for creating the signature.


Do not contact staff members for private support. Share the question on the forums due to being of use to others. Please use proper

Forum. Unsolicited messages will be trashed. Thanks.

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234362 In order for you to open 2 accounts from the same PC you need 2 different IPs, a "Proxy" which is basically a new IP for you to use in order to open your second account,is not provided by the server of PRO itself.


no need for a proxy there, you just can put a second copy of PRO in another folder and run both at the same time.


I didnt know that was possible....i used to multiboxing in several games in the past...i did that via Proxy.




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np, now you do know ^^


All credit to Jaszie for creating the signature.


Do not contact staff members for private support. Share the question on the forums due to being of use to others. Please use proper

Forum. Unsolicited messages will be trashed. Thanks.

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Thanks for clarifying guys. I just wanted to be sure I can do something like that, didn't know if multiboxing or playing two accounts at once was prohibited, don't wanna taste the ban hammer for nothing :P

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