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The other pokemon MMO has running shoes and bikes, I figure it'd only be right to include the running shoes as a feature now that Hoenn has been released too. I know that we have mounts and the like but maybe tweak the speed of those a bit and add typical running speed for a midget (10 yr olds) to a pair of shoes so we can dash around. I just don't like the feeling of walking all of the time.

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248245 The other pokemon MMO has running shoes and bikes, I figure it'd only be right to include the running shoes as a feature now that Hoenn has been released too. I know that we have mounts and the like but maybe tweak the speed of those a bit and add typical running speed for a midget (10 yr olds) to a pair of shoes so we can dash around. I just don't like the feeling of walking all of the time.

Plus the mods want to be independent and not like the original games nor the other mmo's. (thus why we have mounts)


The adding to running shoes just make bike and mount less value to players. People will less buy mount and bike if they have running shoes, and if they have bike and mount why they need using shoes? Yup, that's the problem and seem likely useless.....

:P So then change the values a little bit. It's all very simple logic here. I'm not asking for a miracle here. I know that if they thought about it long enough they could squeeze them in. Hell if it's really THAT big of a deal, make them a cash item, I'll buy the dumb things. I just want running shoes lol. I really don't buy that "trying to be independent from the normal games or other mmos" excuse for a second tbh. That's a really lame excuse if that's the case. Considering this is an "MMO" and it has "Mounts" and "PVP" and "Trading" and "Guilds" and.. well anything else your typical mmorpg has... they aren't doing a whole lot to make themselves stand out from the rest. To add to that, when the game you're developing is simply just a highspec, multiplayer version of the original games with MMO functionality, you lose all originality all together I'm afraid.


Response to the "Useless" remark. Every game has a mode of movement thats slightly faster than the rest making the one before it "Useless" but thats how life works. Look at real life economy and you will see tons of that. It can work. Say for example Bike is 10000 points, just make shoes 7000. They are going to spend that extra 3000 on something else anyway. From a philosophical point of view: You say it is futile because it doesnt have a "use", yet a system without futility is actually very vulnerable. Just because you cant have a use for it, is it really futile? Sometimes the existence itself is enough.


Not saying the games bad, I'd kill for a multiplayer pokemon game, I'm just saying that that excuse is garbage.


You can walk AND run in just about every other mmo out there. I'm sure they can handle this ;) Especially if I wave my debit card.

249787 You can't go at the speed of a bike when you're in caves or big buildings. Which can be extremely annoying, it would be ideal for us to be given some form of increase in movement speed when it comes down to locations such as caves.


249777 You already walk at 1.5x times the regular speed from the Handhelds. That is only .5 slower than the running shoes. If you want to go faster get a bike.

249789 Suggested before, denied countless time. the answer is the same ; no

Sorry, but the reasons of why we deny this suggestion are already mentioned multiple times. We hope you can understand :Smile:

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