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I wonder what was the thing that made them end the event early.


Couldn't be the lag since that was caused by host server problem, not the event. (Besides, there weren't any problem throughout the week)






Also, it's interesting that there doesn't seem to be much salt about the event suddenly ending xD


Everything is back to normal already as if nothing happened, judging from chat channels in Red.


I kinda like that :p

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249796 I wonder what was the thing that made them end the event early.


Couldn't be the lag since that was caused by host server problem, not the event. (Besides, there weren't any problem throughout the week)

And yet, it's less laggy now :p (still a bit, but far less)

Also, right now there are only 1627 ppl connected on Red, that probably helps (and the end of the event may have its part in that)

249796 Also, it's interesting that there doesn't seem to be much salt about the event suddenly ending xD

That's 'cause half of the people that realized that it ended already stopped farming them hours or days ago xD There are so many people still farming to get clones, people that were so hasty to log back in that they don't even know that it ended earlier ^^

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First of all if im salty about one thing it's because Shane ended the event because THAT was the reason the server was lagging, but guess what. It really wasn't. So? We were supposed to have one more week to try to get some collectible stuff we won't be able to get anymore and that chance flies away cuz of...well, nothing.


I hope it does come back for 7 more days in the future. I'm a sucker for collectibles and i kinda spent a lot of time trynna find some...


It really bugs me the announcement says "MIGHT" tho...cuz that means it might not come back as well lol...

Check my Mall!
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Guest SugarRed9

I mean I'm pretty salty but it's just a cosmetic. I'm a bit dissapointed but I'm not going to cry about it because I can finish my ev training finally :)

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249909 yeh. caused me to think about uninstalling, after wasting 40h of farming for 4 friggin normal bulbas...


A normal human being at last. Lmao @ those ppl saying "thank u" it got removed? Cmon...The only people that are happy this event ended prematurely are the ones who got their clones already and they will be happy to sell them for a few millions now lol...


Pls consider bringing the event back for at least like 5-7 days when the servers are stable (the remaining ones b4 it got down)...

Check my Mall!
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