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[Question] How do I know my Pokemon is either good or bad?


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Question above ^^

I don't understand how I should know the Pokemon I catch are either good or bad (nature, etc.)


Halp pl0x :D



Its actually not hard to figure out. Firsly nature has and upside and downside. (Improves a stat or downs a stat). Ability is also very important will give your Pokemon an edge and synergizes with his moves. Then you have IV and EV. IV are individual value. EV are effort value. IV cannot be changed, EV can. The higher the IV (Max 31) in the right places, the better. EV can be gathered from Pokemon battles. If you defeat a Pokemon, you will gain one or more two EV stats.


Personally, I should look up Google for more details. Or guides on the forums. Just type some keywords and you're on your way. :Smile:

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252556 Question above ^^

I don't understand how I should know the Pokemon I catch are either good or bad (nature, etc.)


Halp pl0x :D


Thats not that easy to explain. All i can tell u is u learn this with experience. First of all u should read a few articles about IVs, EVs, base stats, types. Or u wont understand the following words. Abilites and Natures are specific for each pokemon, u find that out on sites like smogon.


But Ill try with an example.


Letz say u want a good Gyarados. So u have to catch magikarps.

Now u have to know, what is this poke even good for. That u find out in the www and on sites like smogon. Visit them and read it.


Then u know, gyarados is mostly a Atk-Sweeper cause its base stats are high in atk and spd. So u want one with a nature which is good for an Atk-Sweeper. Thats Adamant or jolly. So these natures are good for him.

So u catch an Adamant-magikarp and then u want one with good IVs, esp in atk and spd which should be 25+ or at least 20ish. Def, Spdef, HP arent that important but it doesnt hurt if it has high ivs in these stats too. Spatk doesnt matter for an Atk-sweeper. So u want a nature which boosts your atk or spd and give u a reduction in spatk.


Then u have to know what ability u want. Which is best u find out on smogon too. Sometimes just one is good, sometimes severals. For gyarados both abilities are useful. Intimidate is great, moxie also. It also depends which job you want your poke to do in your team. :)


Hope i could help a bit i dont wanna get to detailed. xd

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Well that helped quite a lot. Thank you guys :)


Edit: I have another question - When I have (for example) Scyther when should I evolve him to Scizor? I mean they've got different types and also Attacks, so it could be bad if I evolve him too late, right? :o

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252737 Well that helped quite a lot. Thank you guys :)


Edit: I have another question - When I have (for example) Scyther when should I evolve him to Scizor? I mean they've got different types and also Attacks, so it could be bad if I evolve him too late, right? :o


It all depends on the moves you are wanting to learn :)

I would do some research on his moves, and also determine if you are going to be PvPing a lot.

seribii or bulbapedia should help you out a lot there.



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252737 Well that helped quite a lot. Thank you guys :)


Edit: I have another question - When I have (for example) Scyther when should I evolve him to Scizor? I mean they've got different types and also Attacks, so it could be bad if I evolve him too late, right? :o

For example: Scizor https://pokemondb.net/pokedex/scizor


Pre-evolution moves these moved will be learn/relearn only by pre-evolution (Scyther), and cannot learn/relearn when you have Scizor. So if you check and see that the move in list pre-evolution moves not need for your moveset at the end. You will not worry for evolution or not. However, if the moves have in that list, you will need learn/relearn it before you decide to evolution to Scizor. We have relearner NPC for help you relearn moves [based on the moves learn by level up list] at cerulean, safforn, goldenrod, blackthorn, lateport and sootopolis.


As a result, thinking about moveset carefully and then you will know what you need to do. About evolution soon or latter, I will recommend often keep it and evolution only at around level 97-98 for avoiding bug/unexpected happen. Pokemon evolution already will need more exp than pokemon pre-evolution.

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