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Guest SugarRed9

Re: RUKittenMe??? and JustKittenU!!! ~Yellow server~ Recruiting /o/


<r><QUOTE author="Danno"><s>

</s><E>:Heart:</E> <E>:Heart:</E><e>

Danooooooooo ily! <E>:Heart:</E> I hope you come back from your trip soon, and you are having a good time n.n We miss ya!</r>

Guest SugarRed9

Re: RUKittenMe??? and JustKittenU!!! ~Yellow server~ Recruiting /o/


<t>Happy new year to my kittens and all of our guild friends :) 2017 is going to be a great year for us :3 We accomplished and achieved a lot this year n.n Let's do it again next year ;3</t>

Guest SugarRed9

Re: RUKittenMe??? and JustKittenU!!! ~Yellow server~ Recruiting /o/


<t>It's been a long road, from where we first began. We were a small guild that could barely stand on our own two feet x3 As we learned to walk, many things have happened. Tears, joy, sadness, happiness, and the pursuit of improvement. Last pvp season we came out on top as the best pvp guild in yellow. Well this season was our trial by fire, but we overcame many obstacles and still came out on top. Through everyone's collaborative efforts we were able to overcome and come out on top again! I sincerely want to thank each and everyone of you for your efforts. Even the newer members of our family that are I Justkittenu, thank you for being a part of our pack! This year was pretty great for us! We opened a guild shop, we run an awesome daycare, we won the guild ladder twice, and we even opened a second guild so we can help even more people!!!! I can't wait to see what we will accomplish together next year!! I love you crazy cats x3</t>

Guest SugarRed9

Re: RUKittenMe??? and JustKittenU!!! ~Yellow server~ Recruiting /o/


<r><QUOTE author="Danno"><s>

</s><POST content="332424"><s></s>332424<e></e></POST> Happy new year family <E>:Heart:</E> I'm still in holidays I will come back soon <E>:devil:</E><e>

Looking forward to your return Dannobae~ <E>:Heart:</E></r>

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