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Hey, since breeding is not debatable ( and i agree with that ) it makes the gender of our poke totally useless.


EXCEPT for people like me ... Yes, i like that my poke are male ones and not female ones, even with perfect iv/nature, if he's not male, he's not perfect for me ... Don't ask me why, just a personal preference.


So my suggestions is : Why you don't introduce a system ( maybe a NPC ? ) that can change the gender of the pokemon against a few pokedollars ?


It would be totally usefull to have a system like that since it impacts in no way the game in itself without breeding ... And i'm pretty sure at 99% that they are people who are just like me and want their favorite poke to be male/female only ...


So what about this idea ?

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I don't agree totally with your opinion. Some Pokémon are only avalaible depending on the gender of its pre-evolution, so it makes easier the fact of obtaining this Pokés; and well, I don't think that's the spirit of a MMO (and it's pretty weird your idea).


Anyway, it can take into account as a money sink.

this will not happen since there are pokes that rely on gender for evolution. Also some pokes have ability that depend on how much damage they do to a certain gender like rivalry so no this will not be implemented and be a waste of time for staff to do this and having to block some pokes from changing gender


I don't think so.

A gender changer is not really different from the relearner moves ... If you don't catch a poke with the right lvl it doesn't matter, just go to the relearner and you have your move pretty easily, then why we can't do that with the gender ?

Some people will say : " Yea but the relearner is on the official game " So what ? Now we're trying to have a game that is fitting 100% with the original one ? We don't want anymore that this game is " different " ? Something that CAN'T be found in any other MMO poke ?


Yea, i assume that with some poke who don't need this option, it will take more time, but trust me, even with that condition, i bet they can release this option within a day. I did some code before, i'm still doing right now, so i know how it's " easy " to implement an option like that.

Of course, i didn't say you need to put this on your priority, but let's say, if one day, one of their scripter is thinking " Meh, i don't want to work on this part today, i want to do something different ! " then please, i'm begging you, think about this option ...


And i'll be pleased to help you if you need some help, like a list of the pokemon who can't be gender changed.


PS : And as Freilica stated, it's still a way of money sink ...

Changing the gender could fundamentally change the abilities of Pokes. Some attacks depend on having the same or the opposite gender on the battlefield. And some Pokes can evolve only from one gender. Imagine if you catch a godly female Ralts with adamant nature. It would be perfect for Gallade, but as it is female, it is currently considered a bad Pokemon. But if you could change its gender, even for some coin, you could turn a bad poke into an insanely valuable one. That is nothing else than breeding on a smaller scale and as such, it shouldn't be allowed.


As a workaround, I would accept gender change if it would be limited to final evos and only in those cases when both gender can evolve to that final form. SO Lalie, Froslass, Huntail, Gorebyss, Gallade, Gardevoir etc. would be excluded.

I kind of agree with this idea cause when i have a pidgey i cant train it if it is not female cause i had one that i named Lucy. But you still have to remember the pokemon that have certain abilities regarding gender like evolution to a certian gender for example Kirilia. So i say let gender changer happen with pokemon that gender does not make a difference

I kind of agree with this idea cause when i have a pidgey i cant train it if it is not female cause i had one that i named Lucy. But you still have to remember the pokemon that have certain abilities regarding gender like evolution to a certian gender for example Kirilia. So i say let gender changer happen with pokemon that gender does not make a difference

I think i said twice on my precedent messages :D


This option SHOULD have some way to block the gender change on certain pokemon :D And as i said it before, yea it costs more time ... But come one, it doesn't need that much of time just to put some exception on a few pokemon.

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