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Both DC penalty and pvp coin gain for DC has been fixed in the same patch. I think either or of the two would have been suffucient. I understand the penalty was partially added so somone couldnt just farm points from someone else by him disconnecting immediately, however its not that hard to sacrifice 6 pokemon if you really wanna win trade. Since there is no resign button DC is the only usable option. Thoughts?

276093 Both DC penalty and pvp coin gain for DC has been fixed in the same patch. I think either or of the two would have been suffucient. I understand the penalty was partially added so somone couldnt just farm points from someone else by him disconnecting immediately, however its not that hard to sacrifice 6 pokemon if you really wanna win trade. Since there is no resign button DC is the only usable option. Thoughts?

Moved to Suggestions

I disagree severely with the 45 minute ban etc. But I agree with gaining coins. As earlier on in the season people were DC'ing a lot. I agree with the surrender button, we need it sooner than later. The ban is a good temp solution though.



Server: Silver



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