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Question regarding ranked


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Btw if the player use 3 account for the ladder (rating) it's bad, don't show the powerfull of the player and it's banned in tournament (vgc my category) and another exemple (not to take seriously) use the same pokemon with a another account is "stupid" sorry for word used btw for me use +2 account for the rating is bad and i see lot of player use 2 account in the same time for PvP rating.


EDIT: please don't accuse people here. if you have any proof, go to report center and we'll go from there. -kagawa

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301098 but i just commented that this being attached to a full guild's score isnt that much fair in my opinon nothing else

I struggle to understand why you find it "unfair", as the same effort has to be put on each account to get on the ladder.

301090 if all 3 accounts got their pvp rating legit then there are no rules broken


It's not a matter of it being unfair. All i mean by the word ''unfair'' is that people could value a guild to be better the other based on the ladder while that is on going and it might not be like that but actually that dont matter after all. Its about us all having fun in game.. and again im repeating i dont find it bad but just unpreferable. I'm just bringing up a point that might not be in consideration and i donr mind if its not even taken but i mean look from this side as well.



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301114 I wish i could have entered an official tournament with 3 alts eh? xD

if this stuff is allowed in ranked we should do same in tourney. I don't see any difference between ranked and tourney since both are focused towards winning and gaining rewards.. :)


EDIT: watch the language -kagawa



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301114 I wish i could have entered an official tournament with 3 alts eh? xD

Fk yeah.. right if this stuff is allowed in ranked we should do same in tourney. I don't see any difference between ranked and tourney since both are focused towards winning and gaining rewards.. :)

A monthly leaderboard with a few pvp coins and bragging rights vs a knockout stage-tournament for an epic legendary... yeah.. good one. Also, dont abbriviate swears Somes, just avoid them altogether


EDIT: tournaments also come with their own unique set of rules, not the exact same that apply to day-to-day pvp.


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I don't get the fuss about guild ladder. You are aware that there are no benefits of beeing in the top ladder pvp guild? It's even good for players who're passionate about PvPing and therefor will go into one of the top PvP guilds, sooner or earlier those guilds will adjust their membership application and all will be regulated by itself.


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301128 I don't get the fuss about guild ladder. You are aware that there are no benefits of beeing in the top ladder pvp guild? It's even good for players who're passionate about PvPing and therefor will go into one of the top PvP guilds, sooner or earlier those guilds will adjust their membership application and all will be regulated by itself.

So there are no rewards at all for the guild PvP ladder?

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Yes that's true. Opinion being told after all when it comes as for my words here.. But it's great for making things clear between us all and they are all being respected as a main factor of having that fun in the game. And thanks for all the efforts and care really. :y:



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