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wtb pokémons listeds on post


<r>Hello, I will make a short list with what I am looking for:<br/>


Just post epic pokémons, please! <E>:Cool:</E> <br/>


Horsea/Kingdra (swift swim) // Nature: Modest<br/>

Gastly/Gengar (godly with 31 speed) // Nature: Timid<br/>

Eevee/Jolteon (VoltAbsorb) // Nature: Timid<br/>


Post your pokémons here please, or feel free to add me in game /friend Vastik, I'm not lowballers 4 sure, if I like your pokémon I will pay well!<br/>


Thanks for reading,<br/>


Re: wtb pokémons listeds on post


<r><QUOTE author="vastik"><s>

</s><POST content="289074"><s></s>289074<e></e></POST> Hello, I will make a short list with what I am looking for:<br/>


Just post epic pokémons, please! <E>:Cool:</E> <br/>


Horsea/Kingdra (swift swim) // Nature: Modest<br/>

Gastly/Gengar (godly with 31 speed) // Nature: Timid<br/>

Eevee/Jolteon (VoltAbsorb) // Nature: Timid<br/>


Post your pokémons here please, or feel free to add me in game /friend Vastik, I'm not lowballers 4 sure, if I like your pokémon I will pay well!<br/>


Thanks for reading,<br/>




Hello, I have moved your topic to the proper sub-forum as you are not selling but buying pokemon</r>



Do not contact staff members for private support, use the proper forum section.

Re: wtb pokémons listeds on post


<r><QUOTE author="Sect"><s>

</s><POST content="289079"><s></s>289079<e></e></POST> <QUOTE author="vastik"><s>
</s><POST content="289074"><s></s>289074<e></e></POST> Hello, I will make a short list with what I am looking for:<br/>


Just post epic pokémons, please! <E>:Cool:</E> <br/>


Horsea/Kingdra (swift swim) // Nature: Modest<br/>

Gastly/Gengar (godly with 31 speed) // Nature: Timid<br/>

Eevee/Jolteon (VoltAbsorb) // Nature: Timid<br/>


Post your pokémons here please, or feel free to add me in game /friend Vastik, I'm not lowballers 4 sure, if I like your pokémon I will pay well!<br/>


Thanks for reading,<br/>




Hello, I have moved your topic to the proper sub-forum as you are not selling but buying pokemon<e>


oh yea sure, my bad, sorry man!</r>


Merged your two Buying Topics, as you're only allowed to have 1 open Topic per Subforum at a time. Feel free to change the title :)

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