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Re: Laughing Coffin [Recruiting Red Server]


<t>1: How many Hours do you have? 588hours<br/>

2: Can you be active in both discord and ingame?if i have free times yes.<br/>

3: Do you have a goal? If so, what goal? be the very best<br/>

4: What Caught your eye and why do you think Laughing Coffin is the place for you?because i was from Cosmic</t>


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Re: Laughing Coffin [Recruiting Red Server]


<r><QUOTE author="Undeadstorm"><s>

  Undeadstorm said:
</s><POST content="288879"><s></s>288879<e></e></POST> 1: How many Hours do you have? 588hours<br/>

2: Can you be active in both discord and ingame?if i have free times yes.<br/>

3: Do you have a goal? If so, what goal? be the very best<br/>

4: What Caught your eye and why do you think Laughing Coffin is the place for you?because i was from Cosmic<e>


Accepted, welcome back storm~</r>


Re: Laughing Coffin [Recruiting Red Server]


<r><QUOTE author="TatsumiChan"><s>

  TatsumiChan said:



</s><COLOR color="#FF0000"><s></s><B><s></s><I><s></s><SIZE size="200"><s></s>Laughing Coffin~<e></e></SIZE><e></e></I><e></e></B><e></e></COLOR><e>



</s>"<B><s></s><I><s></s><SIZE size="150"><s></s>If we're not at our limit, it means we're not trying as hard as we can<e></e></SIZE><e></e></I><e></e></B>"<e>




</s><B><s></s><I><s></s><SIZE size="150"><s></s><COLOR color="#FF0000"><s></s>Story<e></e></COLOR><e></e></SIZE><e></e></I><e></e></B><e>



</s><B><s></s><I><s></s><SIZE size="150"><s></s>Up until recently I use to run a Guild named "Cosmic". Me and a good friend of mine came up with the idea of the guild and our main purpose was to help out each and every person we could. Ever since that friend of mine stopped playing I've always felt that there was something that was missing. Something that I needed to do but I couldn't quite lay my finger on it. It troubled me for the past few months and after some time to think, I've finally would like to say I believe I found the answer. To move forward and make a team of my own. Something that I can visualize and create one step at a time. To that good friend of mine, I leave Cosmic with you~<e></e></SIZE><e></e></I><e></e></B><e>




</s><B><s></s><I><s></s><SIZE size="150"><s></s><COLOR color="#FF0000"><s></s>Our Purpose<e></e></COLOR><e></e></SIZE><e></e></I><e></e></B><e>



</s><B><s></s><I><s></s><SIZE size="150"><s></s>Our purpose is to bring out the best of each and every member here. If you have a goal you would like to achieve, then I will push you myself until I see you reach it. If you want to PVP go for the top, if you want good pokemon then put the time into it, If you want friends then start talking, if you got ambitions, then see them out, etc. There is no excuse. I'm willing to put my time and effort on the line for my members. In the end, you wont regret the results.<e></e></SIZE><e></e></I><e></e></B><e>




</s><B><s></s><I><s></s><SIZE size="150"><s></s><COLOR color="#FF0000"><s></s>Requirements<e></e></COLOR><e></e></SIZE><e></e></I><e></e></B><e>



</s><B><s></s><I><s></s>1: Must have a discord and be active both ingame and on discord<e></e></I><e></e></B><e>



</s><B><s></s><I><s></s>2: A minimum of 100 hours and 2 regions completed<e></e></I><e></e></B><e>



</s><B><s></s><I><s></s>3: Respect your guild mates<e></e></I><e></e></B><e>



</s>4: Do not cause any problems ingame. <B><s></s><I><s></s>(Depending on the issue can result in a kick. We don't need a bad name from drama and such)<e></e></I><e></e></B><e>



</s>5: <B><s></s><I><s></s>A 48-72 hour discord trial will be required for new members to ensure activeness<e></e></I><e></e></B><e>




</s><B><s></s><I><s></s><SIZE size="150"><s></s><COLOR color="#FF0000"><s></s>Application Template<e></e></COLOR><e></e></SIZE><e></e></I><e></e></B><e>



</s><B><s></s><I><s></s>1: How many Hours do you have?<e></e></I><e></e></B><e>



</s><B><s></s><I><s></s>2: Can you be active in both discord and ingame?<e></e></I><e></e></B><e>



</s><B><s></s><I><s></s>3: Do you have a goal? If so, what goal?<e></e></I><e></e></B><e>



</s><B><s></s><I><s></s>4: What Caught your eye and why do you think Laughing Coffin is the place for you?<e></e></I><e></e></B><e>




</s><B><s></s><I><s></s><SIZE size="150"><s></s>I look forward to the new members and the start of a new beginning. Lets get started~<e></e></SIZE><e></e></I><e></e></B><e>



Best of luck to you and your guild I like the name ^-^ also here to inform you someone made this same guild on yellow xD</r>


Re: Laughing Coffin [Recruiting Red Server]


<r><QUOTE author="Cyke"><s>

  Cyke said:
</s><POST content="289114"><s></s>289114<e></e></POST> Good luck with the guild guys! Love from Tempest-<e>


Thanks "Cyle" . ;)</r>



Server: Silver



Re: Laughing Coffin [Recruiting Red Server]


<r><QUOTE author="Invixtus"><s>

  Invixtus said:
</s><POST content="289194"><s></s>289194<e></e></POST> <E>:Heart:</E><e>


<IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/2X3mIAI.gif"><s></e></IMG></r>



Server: Silver



Re: Laughing Coffin [Recruiting Red Server]


<t>1: How many Hours do you have?<br/>

98hours 30mins coming up 100 hours soon<br/>


2: Can you be active in both discord and ingame?<br/>

yes and i will :)<br/>


3: Do you have a goal? If so, what goal?<br/>

Yes, complete what is needed to be done some quests anyway and have PvP pokemon fully ev trained.<br/>


4: What Caught your eye and why do you think Laughing Coffin is the place for you?<br/>

Your guild forum layout, its very appealing and awesome looking! You know whats best for your guild and thats something i am looking for, a guild that has their head screwed on and i think the name is funny ^^ & as for the best place well, I can help out players if they need help with something and I feel it will be the same for me as well. <br/>



thanks for your time ^^</t>

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