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Blue Server need a Push!


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Re: Blue Server


<r><QUOTE author="OhneLimit"><s>

</s><POST content="300924"><s></s>300924<e></e></POST> Why is the Blue Server so Empty in contrast to the other Server's?<br/>




~ OhneLimit<e>


My point of view is that Yellow is the server set by default for few updates now, so new players will essentially go there;<br/>

Red is the oldest, either it was the only server available when some joined (like in my case) or people joined it because there are more rare/good pokés/items available <br/>


Blue is just between them, not set by default, not the first server, so many people joined it when it came out (even me, back then) to avoid queues or get a new start, a different gameplay etc.<br/>

But as time passes by, many of those players either left PRO or wanted another gameplay, and instead of creating another account, just went on Red or Yellow, and new players don't join Blue that much</r>

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Re: Blue Server


<r><QUOTE author="MecanoJilano"><s>

</s><POST content="301073"><s></s>301073<e></e></POST> <QUOTE author="OhneLimit"><s>
</s><POST content="300924"><s></s>300924<e></e></POST> Why is the Blue Server so Empty in contrast to the other Server's?<br/>




~ OhneLimit<e>


My point of view is that Yellow is the server set by default for few updates now, so new players will essentially go there;<br/>

Red is the oldest, either it was the only server available when some joined (like in my case) or people joined it because there are more rare/good pokés/items available <br/>


Blue is just between them, not set by default, not the first server, so many people joined it when it came out (even me, back then) to avoid queues or get a new start, a different gameplay etc.<br/>

But as time passes by, many of those players either left PRO or wanted another gameplay, and instead of creating another account, just went on Red or Yellow, and new players don't join Blue that much<e>



I actually think that Blue should be set as default, now that yellow has a good playerbase.</r>

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Re: Blue Server


<r><QUOTE author="Howlyn"><s>

</s><POST content="301077"><s></s>301077<e></e></POST> <QUOTE author="MecanoJilano"><s>
</s><POST content="301073"><s></s>301073<e></e></POST> <QUOTE author="OhneLimit"><s>
</s><POST content="300924"><s></s>300924<e></e></POST> Why is the Blue Server so Empty in contrast to the other Server's?<br/>




~ OhneLimit<e>


My point of view is that Yellow is the server set by default for few updates now, so new players will essentially go there;<br/>

Red is the oldest, either it was the only server available when some joined (like in my case) or people joined it because there are more rare/good pokés/items available <br/>


Blue is just between them, not set by default, not the first server, so many people joined it when it came out (even me, back then) to avoid queues or get a new start, a different gameplay etc.<br/>

But as time passes by, many of those players either left PRO or wanted another gameplay, and instead of creating another account, just went on Red or Yellow, and new players don't join Blue that much<e>



I actually think that Blue should be set as default, now that yellow has a good playerbase.<e>




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Hello OhneLimit, I hope you are having a great weekend.

As you probably know, this summer there was an immense hype about the Pokemon Franchise, both with Pokemon GO and the announce of Pokemon Sun and Moon. With this the amount of players wanting to play pokemon and remember the old times increased, and the search for diferent pokemon games, like Pokemon Revolution Online (PRO), also increased. With this the amount of playerbase in PRO went high, and thats why the third server, Yellow Server, was implemented and the players that joined this game had one more server to choose.

When summer ended, school, university and jobs started, taking time from the before active players and not letting them come online as often, making the amount of players online reduce to the numbers that we can see today. Maybe in the christmas vacations some of those players will return. Not only Blue Server lost his playerbase, but the others aswell, unfortunatly Blue is the one where we can see a higher change. The reasons why this went like this was because Blue is mostly populated by veteran players, and while Yellow is the default server new players will most likely go there.

In the future changes will be added, one of them might be the change of the default server like Howlyn said, so keep an eye in the Announcements in case PRO changes anything. You can also give Suggestions, but remember to read this Topicbefore you post a new topic because some ideas are already in the work and will come in the future, while others are already negated.

Hope I was able to help and thank you for showing interest in the game. Have fun playing.




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