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(Blue Server) No, We Can't



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good evening everybody, i have been a player of PRO since soooo much time, i have always loved the game and appriciated all the staff effort and today, im here rapresenting all the (remaining) people in BLUE server, cause since weeks already we are just diyng.

Don't get me wrong, i remember months ago when there where 20 minute queue before entering the game and yes, i may look crazy but...i want it back, i want the economy to get going again, i want more noobs complaining about the ms price, i want more peole cause blue server has became a phantom server, during the moments when we have the most people online, they are like 500-550. thats the maximun.


Suggestions? i wanna start:


1) make Blue default server.


2) make some event or something special to get people back in Blue.


3) vote for Trump


4) Open Green server


5) jokes aside, plis staff, do something about that #MakeBlueGreatAgain



thx for ur time

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Would it solve the problem tho? I wouldn't say so, Red isn't full at the moment Blue got 500 players in it. Neither is Yellow. Best option would be a fusion, altho this isn't possible I heard people saying. I would say, let's think about it, and if we aren't sure, let's just try it lol, I would rather have 1 full server than 3 half empty servers.


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I agree with you Sceo but...blue server situation is so bad, like much worse then red or yellow(yellow has at least 2 times blue server people and they are also set as default right now). so i think blue really needs help right now. #makebluegreatagain

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302946 Would it solve the problem tho? I wouldn't say so, Red isn't full at the moment Blue got 500 players in it. Neither is Yellow. Best option would be a fusion, altho this isn't possible I heard people saying. I would say, let's think about it, and if we aren't sure, let's just try it lol, I would rather have 1 full server than 3 half empty servers.

I'm getting the impression that a fusion would make yellow players angry. On the flip side if blue was to become the "default" server that'd make red and yellow angry. If a fusion was to take place however, perhaps a compromise in the form of giving each server a unique indication of where that pokemon is from. For example if a yellow player was to link his pokemon in chat, an emblem/sticker on the pokemon's information would be clearly visible showing the distinction between pokemon from each server. Or staff could implement unique features to each server such as server exclusive bosses or similar. That being said a full server is astronomically better than three half servers.

"he was just a gorilla" -ded pepe


*sik animation edited by young hurumbee

#pedalforpedal (cousin bear)

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