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Bot Infestation on Love Island


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303293 Lunestra quitting the game doesn't mean STAFF leaves. There are other around and development will continue.

Chappy, Lunestra, Carel, Yasham, Pixiu, Ravine, Ivuch, Qhinn, Dimitri and me left :) A substantial amount of staff left on their own will, this is something different that staff coming and going :P


Good luck to all the new staff to come :)


Plz can u explain why u left ?

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303293 Lunestra quitting the game doesn't mean STAFF leaves. There are other around and development will continue.

Chappy, Lunestra, Carel, Yasham, Pixiu, Ravine, Ivuch, Qhinn, Dimitri and me left :) A substantial amount of staff left on their own will, this is something different that staff coming and going :P


Good luck to all the new staff to come :)


why everybody left? corruption?

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303293 Lunestra quitting the game doesn't mean STAFF leaves.

303549 Chappy, Lunestra, Carel, Yasham, Pixiu, Ravine, Ivuch, Qhinn, Dimitri and me left

my departure was just that tragic :( kek


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303565 my departure was just that tragic :( kek


I am not sure what you mean, Lunestra. You are one of the STAFF members I interacted with the most and I appreciate you as I appreciate any STAFF member I crossed in this forum or in-game. I hope none of you departed and really would like to see all this sorted out. But we need to stop this F.U.D. from spreading in the community. I actually hurts all of us, but I've been in many communities before and seen how F.U.D. could destroy them in no time.


Wish the best for this amazing game.

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303568 And you're parading that happily? And had the audacity to call me immature? If that's your attitude then it was probably great that you left. I'm not impressed by you and the others who up and left.

Its a little thing called sarcasm. And no player is "happy" or "impressed" that so many staff left in one go but i can assure you there is a very solid and valid reason for it :)


& Jahus it is a real shame for what happened, but what happened had to and did occur, PRO will rebuild without us im sure of that, it may just take a little time to adjust to the changes. Again as stated in my farewell post, im sorry this burden landed on you players, you guys have been nothing but great to us (the non toxic and/or botting players) and we had a duty to serve you guys in an appropriate manner, i'd like to think as a team up until this last week we had done that. I wish you guys all the best in the future and im sure new staff will come in and serve the game to the same level as some of the staff that departed.


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303568 And you're parading that happily? And had the audacity to call me immature? If that's your attitude then it was probably great that you left. I'm not impressed by you and the others who up and left.

Its a little thing called sarcasm. And no player is "happy" or "impressed" that so many staff left in one go but i can assure you there is a very solid and valid reason for it :)


& Jahus it is a real shame for what happened, but what happened had to and did occur, PRO will rebuild without us im sure of that, it may just take a little time to adjust to the changes. Again as stated in my farewell post, im sorry this burden landed on you players, you guys have been nothing but great to us (the non toxic and/or botting players) and we had a duty to serve you guys in an appropriate manner, i'd like to think as a team up until this last week we had done that. I wish you guys all the best in the future and im sure new staff will come in and serve the game to the same level as some of the staff that departed.

;-; <3


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303293 Lunestra quitting the game doesn't mean STAFF leaves. There are other around and development will continue.

Chappy, Lunestra, Carel, Yasham, Pixiu, Ravine, Ivuch, Qhinn, Dimitri and me left :) A substantial amount of staff left on their own will, this is something different that staff coming and going :P


Good luck to all the new staff to come :)

Oh... I didnt know it was that bad.





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