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Goodbye from Hideliet

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Before you ask, I won't go in any detail of the reasons of so many staffers leaving, many of you realized already that those aren't single departures.

Enjoy the game, keep being an amazing community :Heart:

Enjoy .. the life? Of for whatever reason y'all leaving tonight (or today, depending on your timezone), good luck for what's next, etc. :)


I genuinely don't know what to think of what's happening here, but it sure doesn't bode well :Ambivalent:

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Guest BigFatJambles
303078 Saddens me to leave every one of you, from the toxic player in yellow when the server just opened, from the spammer, the botter, the insulting 30 years old kid to the helpful player, the passionate veteran even after everything that hasn't been done, the shy lone wolf player that plays silently, the hardcore PvPer, the shiny collector and the newbie who just started.


I really enjoyed this community, made some really good friends and I had fun talking with the ones of you I interacted with. You guys are really amazing, and you deserved a lot better than the service we offered. I strived to make the game slightly better for everyone of you, hopefully I'll be leaving something decent to work with for the few ones that stayed and the eventual ones who'll come.


Before you ask, I won't go in any detail of the reasons of so many staffers leaving, many of you realized already that those aren't single departures.

Enjoy the game, keep being an amazing community :Heart:


I wish you luck in your adventures! However, I must tell you that you need to stop by Cinna'mon's discord and talk with us! or I'll kidnap you ;3 :Heart:

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I sincerely want to thank you for giving time out of your day to help this game. Your services were definitely appreciated and you tried which is more than I can say for a lot of people. I hope everything goes well for you outside of PRO. Continue to be an inspirational person. ^^

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but...but who will i spam memes at now? :Frown:


guess ill just have to throw shoes at Red instead


Do not contact staff members for private support. Share the question on the forums due to being of use to others. Please use proper forum. Unsolicited messages will be trashed. Thanks.

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