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how about limit the amount of money that everyone can earn on each day ??


like hearth stone, u can only earn 100 gold per day


so u have to log on everyday to grind or hunting epic pokemonins for sale in order to get rich


this way, the botters can not earn too much money :Smile:


and MS price will not sky high any more


and i think it can also push more and more ppl to do pvp after they earn their money and make pvp more popular :Smile:

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sorry, this is a terrible idea

  • random number generation

An acronym for "random number generator" or "random number generation", it refers to the process by which computers generate apparently random numbers, essentially the computer equivalent of 'chance'.

Yeah, Prehax and JollyOlNathan are pretty much spot on, cash limit wont be a thing, just takes out desire to play which really isnt what PRO needs.


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I wouldn't mind a cap on earned money as long as it only concerns wild Pokemon battles.


Basically some sort of counter for money earned through wild battles that resets back to 0 every 24h. As soon as the counter hits a resonable number (like 250k or any other amount 99% of non-bot players wouldn't grind on 1 day) wild Pokemon start to yield 0 cash. With picking a solid number you can limit the daily income per bot without any influence on most players and therefore reduce the bot influence on the economy.


Of course this is no permanent solution to botting since they can run multiple bots or change accounts as soon as they hit the cap. But everything that makes it harder for botters without really influencing normal players is a decent idea!


On the other hand I'm totally against limiting money through trade or trainer battles.

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