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Clone Event Re-activation [Ended]


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Greetings PRO players.


First of all I would like to apologize for not having a halloween event for you all. Things happened that I won't go into any further detail about, and some people felt it was time to leave. That is fine, we are all volunteers after all :)

But that meant we were unable to finish the event in time.


What will happen with the existing maps, however, they will be released and remade into a whole new mini area, similar to love island, forever accessible for all. This will be happening over the coming weeks.


As a consolation I have re-enabled the clone event. I felt that the 1 week it was on for, just wasn't long enough. Many people share my view, so it is enabled until the Xmas event is ready (so at least 2-3 weeks minimum)


Currently only the standard spawns exist for them, once I learn how to update spawns, I will add them to new areas also (however they will retain their rarity)


Hope this consolation is Ok while we get back on track.


PRO team


Do not contact staff members for private support. Share the question on the forums due to being of use to others. Please use proper forum. Unsolicited messages will be trashed. Thanks.

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Re: Clone Event Re-activation


<r><QUOTE author="Teo77"><s>

</s><POST content="306666"><s></s>306666<e></e></POST> In which areas of the map will they be located?<e>


<QUOTE author="Thor"><s>

</s><POST content="306643"><s></s>306643<e></e></POST> Currently only the standard spawns exist for them, once I learn how to update spawns, I will add them to new areas also (however they will retain their rarity)<e>

So Kanto Safari Area 2 for Bulbasaur, Vermilion City for Squirtle and Cinnabar Mansion 3 for Charmander</r>

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