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It depend. Pvp ask stats , but I m not a huge Pvp players.

For the others... some shiny are pretty ugly to me. Im talking about all those "omg we are sick/radioactive" Green shiny like golbat... very ugly. Others, like ninetales. .. wow.

307250 It depend. Pvp ask stats , but I m not a huge Pvp players.

For the others... some shiny are pretty ugly to me. Im talking about all those "omg we are sick/radioactive" Green shiny like golbat... very ugly. Others, like ninetales. .. wow.

Thank you very much!

307251 Shiny, for collecting, always, personally. :)

Very nice thank you! (shiny +1)

307442 for pvp definitely go for iv..shinny just a decoration

Thank you very much!

307445 i hate shiny pokemons xD

shiny ofc duh

Very nice thank you! (strong +1)

So we have :


i would definetly go for the shiny ninetales :Crazy: i want one sooo baadd but other than that i'll go for the strong pokemon



oh and quick question i have a growltihe with almost 30+ in all ivs but bad nature is it better or worse than a growlithe with 20+ ivs a good nature :confused:






[glow=red]"In this world,where ever there is light - there are also shadows. As long as the concept of winners exists, there must also be loosers. The selfish desire of wanting to maintain peace causes wars, and hatred is born to protect love."[/glow]

307545 Strong Pokemon always better than shiny because you can actually do things with them. :P

Very nice (strong +1)


307547 i would definetly go for the shiny ninetales :Crazy: i want one sooo baadd but other than that i'll go for the strong pokemon

Can i add (+1) for shiny?

307547 oh and quick question i have a growltihe with almost 30+ in all ivs but bad nature is it better or worse than a growlithe with 20+ ivs a good nature :confused:

Sure +30 gives you a final stat better than +20 but to have exact stat you need somme calculations.

Take this for Arcanine stat with natures and EVs:


You can also use simulator to calculate directly the stat :


I am not sure if these links are authorized here??

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