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My plan for this game!


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I make this topic because I hope to express my plans during my time playing this game and discuss the reasons for it and hope I can reach out to people who share the same views. Lets get to it!


I love pokemon, I absolutely love it. It stems from my love for animals in real life. I've played pokemon silver and gold, blue, red, yellow, emerald, and ruby. Now I know that's not much compared to the games that have come out today, but to me when I first popped in silver into my old gameboy that alone was enough to get me hooked. Now love aside, this game is pretty much perfect for people like me. I have severe OCD which tends to drive me to do just about everything I can do in a game to the fullest and a game that WANTS you to collect everything in the game? It's just perfect!


My plans are very simple. My first character was made on server Yellow. Why? Because it's the only one of the three (red, yellow, blue) old games I have left. I plan on making this character purely PvE and probably will solo play as much as possible. (Not saying I wont interact with others. Just saying most things I will accomplish in terms of collecting pokemon will be done on my own instead of buying from other players and I'll only trade when that's how you evolve the pokemon. Yes I'm looking at you Gengar T~T) I choose to make a PvE character so I can play the game like I would any normal pokemon game. After I've done all I can and get a better view on all these mechanics from the games I've yet to play like the clones, what makes a pokemon actually good, from abilities to their strong points and weak points. I'll then play on Red since it seems to be the competitive server. Although it generally goes against everything I really want, PvP seems to be a big part of this game so to fully interact with people it only seems right to take part.


Thank you for your time on listening and I'd like to hear your opinion on all this and maybe share some viewpoints on why you like pokemon, what got you started, and what your plans are (or were if you already succeeded in doing your plans). :thanks: :Shy:

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Glad someone has same plans as me, Welcome to Paradise. Tho some people whine about the grind system, they're just not suitable for this game. I perceive Hell for this kinds of people.





Our present sufferings are not worth comparing

to the glory that will be revealed in us.

-Romans 8:18

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Hey there Sarasvatia, I must admit, i had a lot of fun reading your message, and gave me a lot of inspiration to keep working for the game so people like you can have fun :)

I wish you the best of luck in every of your playthrough. Make sure to say hi if you catch me online in the chats ingame ;)




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