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You're right, the economy has been completely blown to bits by bots. However, what's important to remember also, especially on Red server - that this server has been active for well over a year now, and taking into consideration the amount of money generated over time by wild battles, NPC battles has accumulated. I know this doesn't explain the full situation, but it's definitely worth mentioning.

The problem here is, and I mentioned this earlier in this thread - there is no way to fix the situation completely, as it is an MMO, people will break rules to try get ahead of the game. Unfortunately this is a humanity situation, and not a PRO situation. This happens in all areas of life, there is always going to be someone there looking to exploit whatever they can for their own personal gain with not a second thought about the damage or hurt they could cause someone else.

I apologise that we can't fix this, trust me - I'd love to. It'd save me a LOT of time. I VOLUNTEER my free time to this game, and a lot of it is wasted on these people. So really, believe me when I say there is no one happier to see this problem fixed than a GM. I gain nothing personal, at all out of wasting my time on these, other than the nice comments I get every couple months saying staff are doing a good job.


"this game isnt about pay to win" but it gets there and alot has to do with decisions made by the staff. U need to learn that getting stuff without investment just devalues it!


IMO the problem is that u guys arent able to create good money sinks. Right now we only have focus sashes and u dont lose one every battle. We had rare candys but the prize was set too high and before the market got there u implemented "PokeStop". Now i can spend rc for the last 10-15 lvls instead of the last 2 without investing money or lots of time. I got more evolutionary stones from dig spots than i can ever spend or sell. Same goes for PP up and all the other stuff.

Daycare was a good idea but the value of the pokemons is just off the grid (for example ha cleffa will be more important than ha abra or togepi is more important than any johto starter). Hoenn DC is imo irrelevant since u opened the summer event.


When i started i (e.g.) farmed budew in viridian forest lvled and evolved them to get some money (it was a pain without extrasensory from egg move tutor). Today i get more money in less time from dig spot items or mushrooms in hoenn. Additionally pokemons which are really worth money are to some extend ms only (starly, gothita, ...) so if you dont buy ms u get cut of the market. And i stopped to sell pokemons because i cant spend the money i gain. If there is a bidding war and the other one has less money than me he can just sell 1 or 2 ms to overbid me. 1m+/ with no time investment why should i grind?


Tbh i dont understand the decision to allow more than 2 accounts per player till today. It just helps botters!!! And besides trade evolving, doing another story line (e.g. summer event, surf pikachu) and having a selling account there is no reason for even a 2nd account. And we have enough suggestions for the trade evolving and selling problem. And having 2 accounts for the story actually kills it. There was no tough decision which stroyline i should choose for summer event. I did both and i farmed both starters for me.

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316068 me and my brazilian friends

I stopped reading at this point...



I must be the only person who doesn't have ANY expectations for this game. I think some people don't understand that this game isn't developed by a gaming company such as nintendo. I think they also don't understand that the game doesn't OWE them anything. The Devs aren't privileged to have you as a player. They could be fine without you. YOU are the one who is privileged to have the Devs. Without them you wouldn't be able to play in the first place. If you are not satisfied with how Shane or any of the other devs run the game, why don't you leave and play the original games? I simply don't understand how one can be so ungrateful. I think everyone in the team is doing such a great job at being able to even keep such a huge project alive.


:y: :y: :y:

have a nice day, mate...

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