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~pats Lunestras~




I appreciate everyone's work. Even if no one else does. I know it's hard, but please don't let people like this discourage you from doing this.

화이팅~!! *this is korean and for fighting, the korean equal to the japanese ganbatte if you watch anime* :Crazy:

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317572if you must know 'facts', in my almost 9 months as GM, i banned probably over 500 bots from free hunting and probably another 200 in total from reported users under bot suspicions, you will see similar statistics throughout former GM's such as Yasham, Singham, TetraPodMelnTea, Deathwing, Sereii....

317578I said that staff doing nothing for ban botter !


Also, when you said that staff deleted one of you report, I assume that you talk about the one you spammed at least three times yesterday in multiple threads like "Staff, quit what you're doing and obey me now" ...


No its an other report.

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317579 Just check my video or go login ingame and try to talk to someone who is farming in Flake wood. If u don't understand why I'm complaining after that, i don't understand.


As explained numerous times, there are a LOT of reports on a daily basis, it takes time to go through them all, bots are constantly being dealt with anyway, it's just not as simple as banning everyone suspected, plus they make new accounts constantly, you're by far missing the bigger picture.

317578And I never said that staff doing nothing, I said that staff doing nothing for ban botter !

If there is only two Gm who can currently ban a botter its a probleme. When I talk to 10 player and only 1 answer its a probleme. And only Botter player can says the contrary.


Bear in mind that not every legitimate player will respond to random people PM'ing them ingame either


Constructive reports are always appreciated, constant badgering and attitude about them isn't

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317578 Kagawa do a great job, I never said that Staff doesn't do his job in the Forum. And I never said that staff doing nothing, I said that staff doing nothing for ban botter !

Go back and re-read what i put. Just... just read it. The way it works Forum work =/= ingame work also, thats what reports are about. I was a former GM, i know full well what its like ingame where bots are concerned, so trying to tell me "i dont understand" is kind of worn off. Its more the fact you dont understand all the different duties and responsibilities staff have, and its pointless even trying to open your eyes to what they actually do besides have push notifications on "FatmanClt's reports"... Staff are busy, staff ban bots, and a lot of bots, at that. Its the easiest thing in the world to say they dont when the bot numbers far outweigh the manpower to ban them all, also, you expect just because you didnt get a response to a pm that automatically makes them a botter? You're incorrect, and if staff were to act like that, there would be hundreds of innocent players being banned through your logic, and that isnt how anyone wants PRO to function (other than yourself, of course). Try and appreciate the hard work staff have put into this game in the last year and stop complaining about every little thing you can think of, and have some perspective.


If you read my post, you would have seen as MecanoJilano pointed out, "we do nothing for botters"...


Do not contact staff members for private support. Share the question on forums, as this can then be of use to others. Please use proper forum when posting. Unsolicited messages will be trashed. Thanks.

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317578 Kagawa do a great job, I never said that Staff doesn't do his job in the Forum. And I never said that staff doing nothing, I said that staff doing nothing for ban botter !

Go back and re-read what i put. Just... just read it. The way it works Forum work =/= ingame work also, thats what reports are about. I was a former GM, i know full well what its like ingame where bots are concerned, so trying to tell me "i dont understand" is kind of worn off. Its more the fact you dont understand all the different duties and responsibilities staff have, and its pointless even trying to open your eyes to what they actually do besides have push notifications on "FatmanClt's reports"... Staff are busy, staff ban bots, and a lot of bots, at that. Its the easiest thing in the world to say they dont when the bot numbers far outweigh the manpower to ban them all, also, you expect just because you didnt get a response to a pm that automatically makes them a botter? You're incorrect, and if staff were to act like that, there would be hundreds of innocent players being banned through your logic, and that isnt how anyone wants PRO to function (other than yourself, of course). Try and appreciate the hard work staff have put into this game in the last year and stop complaining about every little thing you can think of, and have some perspective.


If you read my post, you would have seen as MecanoJilano pointed out, "we do nothing for botters"...

\o/ Lunestra is bae


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317579 Just check my video or go login ingame and try to talk to someone who is farming in Flake wood. If u don't understand why I'm complaining after that, i don't understand.


As explained numerous times, there are a LOT of reports on a daily basis, it takes time to go through them all, bots are constantly being dealt with anyway, it's just not as simple as banning everyone suspected, plus they make new accounts constantly, you're by far missing the bigger picture.

317578And I never said that staff doing nothing, I said that staff doing nothing for ban botter !

If there is only two Gm who can currently ban a botter its a probleme. When I talk to 10 player and only 1 answer its a probleme. And only Botter player can says the contrary.


Bear in mind that not every legitimate player will respond to random people PM'ing them ingame either


Constructive reports are always appreciated, constant badgering and attitude about them isn't

317578 Kagawa do a great job, I never said that Staff doesn't do his job in the Forum. And I never said that staff doing nothing, I said that staff doing nothing for ban botter !

Go back and re-read what i put. Just... just read it. The way it works Forum work =/= ingame work also, thats what reports are about. I was a former GM, i know full well what its like ingame where bots are concerned, so trying to tell me "i dont understand" is kind of worn off. Its more the fact you dont understand all the different duties and responsibilities staff have, and its pointless even trying to open your eyes to what they actually do besides have push notifications on "FatmanClt's reports"... Staff are busy, staff ban bots, and a lot of bots, at that. Its the easiest thing in the world to say they dont when the bot numbers far outweigh the manpower to ban them all, also, you expect just because you didnt get a response to a pm that automatically makes them a botter? You're incorrect, and if staff were to act like that, there would be hundreds of innocent players being banned through your logic, and that isnt how anyone wants PRO to function (other than yourself, of course). Try and appreciate the hard work staff have put into this game in the last year and stop complaining about every little thing you can think of, and have some perspective.


If you read my post, you would have seen as MecanoJilano pointed out, "we do nothing for botters"...



Just look this plz:



If its normal for u I don't understand.

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Just look this plz:



If its normal for u I don't understand.




I have never in my life seen anyone this narrow minded, stubborn and ignorant. I'm not gonna open this thread again or I will die from high blood pressure.. :Shocked:

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317587 Just look this plz:



If its normal for u I don't understand.

Staff have the tools available to prove if its a botter or just a player that doesnt want to respond to a pm. I get tonnes of pm's whenever im ingame about my Shiny Ho-oh, i dont respond to all, and while im farming, so that basically means im moving around farming and not replying to a pm? Am i a botter too?


Do not contact staff members for private support. Share the question on forums, as this can then be of use to others. Please use proper forum when posting. Unsolicited messages will be trashed. Thanks.

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Just look this plz:



If its normal for u I don't understand.




I have never in my life seen anyone this narrow minded, stubborn and ignorant. I'm not gonna open this thread again or I will die from high blood pressure.. :Shocked:


Haha :)

Can u understand that im boring to pay Ms for Botter ? I have spent like 100$ in this game, when I saw all this botter profit of the legit player who BUY WITH REAL MONEY for keep this game alive.

I'm frustraiting. Yes.

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317587 Just look this plz:



If its normal for u I don't understand.

Staff have the tools available to prove if its a botter or just a player that doesnt want to respond to a pm. I get tonnes of pm's whenever im ingame about my Shiny Ho-oh, i dont respond to all, and while im farming, so that basically means im moving around farming and not replying to a pm? Am i a botter too?


So for u its normal yes. Ty.

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