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Hi all, hi Staff.


2016 is drawing to a close and we had here some wonderful updates being the best of them the arrival of hoenn.

unfortunately as everybody know, some staff members left pro a few days ago, but all of us want the best for the staff And that staff come to grow up again.

anyway, Shane, Thor, Red, Daeon, Kagawa, Anduin.. i know that this game is only a hobby to Shane and you guys are volunteers, may you guys tell us which are the plans for 2017 to cheer us up and so we can be anxious?

Has Shane already talked to you about the 2017 updates or has it still not resolved?

such as:

- PvP Items;

- Auction house;

- Finish all abilities and moves;

- Some big quests like battle frontier to get pvp items..

- Orange islands

- Working to fix things in PRO that's working in the past generations like sitrus berry...

- back of escavation sites.. ( has been nerfed)

etc etc


there something that you guys can tell to us?


thank you! :y: :y: :Grin:

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put "working ignore list" on that list too, thanks

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An acronym for "random number generator" or "random number generation", it refers to the process by which computers generate apparently random numbers, essentially the computer equivalent of 'chance'.

Nice topic! That is a question all of us want to ask; but I think I can talk in the name of everyone if I say that we hesitate and are shy to ask to know the planes, if any.


By the way, some routes in the range 201 to 230 exit in the game, is 4th Generation coming soon? How about Orange Archipelago? Valencia Island? I'm getting hyped!

Auction House would be so amazing :Heart:


However I think there are a lot of people who agree with me when I say I think that items bought through the shop should not be sellable on the auction house. To be completely honest, they shouldn't be tradeable at all imo, which is why the economy is in such a dire state at the moment....(MS for 1 mil? What?...) Anyway, that is just my personal opinion, really and truly looking forward to the thought of having an auction house, mail system etc though. I must say, since I returned from my break I've really been enjoying the game. (especially since the long queues are gone, although I know that is not necessarily a great thing)


Keep up the good work @Shane and staff :y:


I'd love to see Auction House and most of all - storage with customized pages on which I can place Pokemon in the order I want. My storage now is a huge mess... Probably, for now, the priority will be to get more staff so I assume we just have to wait :Shy: They are doing great job anyway, so for now, enjoy xmas event :D

Yeah it would be nice if there's an auction house .. :Exclam:

Also a PVP Halls where trainers gathered to PVP ofc.

I hope there's a different league like only lv 20 below , level 21-40 , lv 41-60, lv 61-80 , and lv 81- 100 can enter ..

Lastly there's a schedule every 3hrs or so per day only and a prize for the winner :Smile:

What do you think :Question:

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