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  Padawan96 said:
329315 Perhaps the u-turn bug is intended. It makes it so you don't get initiative whenever your opponent decides to switch out a Pokemon. It's more like: ''You want to u-turn? Make sure you switch in the right Pokemon or otherwise you will have a bad time!''.


It's still better than hard switching because it breaks focus sash and sturdy or weakens foe's Pokemon.

Na just current system can't handle it same for team preview and baton pass, it need to be reworked entierely . And we all know it's ain't gonna happen .


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  Enforcer said:


Hi wanted to contribute to this sub-forum some

a little about me


My in-game name is Enforcer, I finished top 25 for the last 2 PVP seasons on Red Server



Wanted to share some of my knowledge regarding Lead Pokemon in PRO and what ive experienced at the top tier ELO of PRO on Red server



Lead - the Pokemon you begin the battle with. In my mind you have 4 types of leads

Role- to give you an early lead in most battles, essentially a mon that sets the rest of ur team up to succeed


I personally classify them into

1. Hazard setter (stealth rock,spikes,toxic spikes)

2. Weather inducer (Tyranitar,Politoed,Hippowdon,Ninetails)

3. Extreme offensive threat (physical or special, usually a dragon dance,sword dance,belly drum,shell smash,nasty plot user)

4.Anti lead - possesses numerous coverage moves or taunt to prevent hazards. Occasionally a spinner defogger will lead but that wont be its primary role(see above 3). Also can be a trapper(Magnezone)


* some mons fall into multiple categories



based on my experience here is what i consider to be the most popular leads, mainly at mid to top elo on Red Server


Feel free to comment, if ive left some off that u feel u encounter alot at mid-top tier ELO post it, also feel free to comment on if u think a Mon should be moved up or down in popularity.


Obviously you can Lead with any Pokemon you want, only listed ones i feel are in the meta and have encountered multiple times

the mons in the very sparce tier- i have had encounters only a few times with but they were used by mid-top tier players on red

my goal of the thread is to attempt to narrow down the choices for newer players ,to the mons that are competitive in the current Meta




Frequent Usage

Togekiss togekiss.png Ferrothornferrothorn.png Dragonite dragonite.png Donphan donphan-f.png Skarmory skarmory.png Tyranitar tyranitar.png Politoed politoed-f.png

Staraptor staraptor-f.png


Moderate Usage

Ninetails ninetales.png Machamp machamp.png Galvantula galvantula.png Hippowdon hippowdon-f.png Gyarados gyarados-f.png Azumarill 184.png Gengar gengar.png

Weavile weavile-f.png


Sparce Usage

Crobat crobat.png Forretress forretress.png Swampert swampert.png Roserade roserade-f.png Weezing 110.png Mamoswine mamoswine-f.png Klefki klefki.png


Mew mew.png Talonflame talonflame.png Metagross metagross.png



Very Sparce Usage

Bisharp 625.png Arcanine arcanine.png Breloom breloom.png Hydreigon hydreigon.png Scizor scizor-f.png Jirachi 385.png Medichammedicham-f.png

Cloyster cloyster.png Gliscor gliscor.png Garchomp 445.png Magnezone magnezone.png Crawdauntcrawdaunt.pngAmbipom ambipom.pngStarmie starmie.png


enforcer ure such a goodguy, top 25 ladder, like to sharing

thanks for the guide :D i like you the best XD

Guest lampshadejaz
  Water01 said:
  lampshadejaz said:
  Water01 said:
I always lead with Metagross, feels comfy


I am annoyed by a metagross lead more so than any other lead. I think it's the way my team is built though. Do you run agility or just lots of attacks? I have a metagross that I use sometime, but I'm not in the mood to change it around to try agility

I run earthquake, ice punch, meteor mash, bullet punch on it.


Cool. I love Zen Headbutt, but there just aren't enough pokemon in teh meta that are weak to a psychic move. That Bullet Punch with STAB is really nice. One of the reasons I have been too lazy to use Agility is because I'd probably have to cut the priority move :-\

Guest lampshadejaz
  MestrePokemon said:
  lampshadejaz said:
  MestrePokemon said:

Have you ever developed a game?


no, and you?


Yep. Games are a shit load of work. Even trivial looking things (from a gamer's perspective) can be a lot of work. Especially if it's just 1 developer as it appears for PRO. It looks like there's a lot of scripters/artists/admins, but only 1 developer. I mean, they're just finishing Magic Guard now. Magic Guard! That could have taken many hours just to get that one ability working.

  Padawan96 said:
329315 Perhaps the u-turn bug is intended. It makes it so you don't get initiative whenever your opponent decides to switch out a Pokemon. It's more like: ''You want to u-turn? Make sure you switch in the right Pokemon or otherwise you will have a bad time!''.


It's still better than hard switching because it breaks focus sash and sturdy or weakens foe's Pokemon.

Well the whole point of U-Turn and Volt Switch is what it does on the original games. Nothing intended with how U-Turn and Volt Switch currently work in the game like you think, as PRO tries to reflect the original game mechanics as much as possible.

  chameleon said:
  Padawan96 said:
329315 Perhaps the u-turn bug is intended. It makes it so you don't get initiative whenever your opponent decides to switch out a Pokemon. It's more like: ''You want to u-turn? Make sure you switch in the right Pokemon or otherwise you will have a bad time!''.


It's still better than hard switching because it breaks focus sash and sturdy or weakens foe's Pokemon.

Well the whole point of U-Turn and Volt Switch is what it does on the original games. Nothing intended with how U-Turn and Volt Switch currently work in the game like you think, as PRO tries to reflect the original game mechanics as much as possible.

Most frustating VoltUrn thing on pro is your last pokemon can't use it , since you are forced to choice before the moove even hits .


  SheWas18 said:
  chameleon said:
  Padawan96 said:
329315 Perhaps the u-turn bug is intended. It makes it so you don't get initiative whenever your opponent decides to switch out a Pokemon. It's more like: ''You want to u-turn? Make sure you switch in the right Pokemon or otherwise you will have a bad time!''.


It's still better than hard switching because it breaks focus sash and sturdy or weakens foe's Pokemon.

Well the whole point of U-Turn and Volt Switch is what it does on the original games. Nothing intended with how U-Turn and Volt Switch currently work in the game like you think, as PRO tries to reflect the original game mechanics as much as possible.

Most frustating VoltUrn thing on pro is your last pokemon can't use it , since you are forced to choice before the moove even hits .

Wow I never realized that. :Shocked: It certainly is annoying and I'll have to keep that in mind. Thanks.

Well... if the game is supposed to "reflect" the original game mechanics we would battle with pokemons set to level 50 to begin with :Ambivalent: . Gotta remember this game may be based on the original games but it doesn't mean everything should work like in those (after all, this is a mmo).

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

i would up weavile, klefki and garchomp 1 tier each and drop down crobat, forretress, azumarill, dragonite, machamp, weezing and roserade 1 tier each


Lifeorb etc. mixed up quite a bit


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