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XMAS Event Santa BUG


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ok so i found 5 elves and then went into the cave and found santa. the server went time as i talk him and i got DC.

When i came back online 15 minutes later i was next to Santa in the cave and i tried to talk to him, he turned for my way but there was no dialoge chat.

I came back to Master Elf and he told me something like: "Thanks. you found Santa".

Santa was NOT next to him as people told me he should be. He is still in the cave and i didn't got no hat and nothing. What can I do?

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320522 ok so i found 5 elves and then went into the cave and found santa. the server went time as i talk him and i got DC.

When i came back online 15 minutes later i was next to Santa in the cave and i tried to talk to him, he turned for my way but there was no dialoge chat.

I came back to Master Elf and he told me something like: "Thanks. you found Santa".

Santa was NOT next to him as people told me he should be. He is still in the cave and i didn't got no hat and nothing. What can I do?


I have passed both your cases onto the appropriate member of Staff. They will investigate the issue further.

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320522 ok so i found 5 elves and then went into the cave and found santa. the server went time as i talk him and i got DC.

When i came back online 15 minutes later i was next to Santa in the cave and i tried to talk to him, he turned for my way but there was no dialoge chat.

I came back to Master Elf and he told me something like: "Thanks. you found Santa".

Santa was NOT next to him as people told me he should be. He is still in the cave and i didn't got no hat and nothing. What can I do?

Try talking to Santa or the master elf now.


Official discord chat.

Be polite and patient if you need support. While users with the symbols +, % and @ are the chat staff, they are not necessarily also game staff, but they can usually advise you. That said, forums are better for reporting issues and bugs.

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