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340941 So if i understood well, even player in round 2 has to fight, but the deadline is not 27 january for us

340950 I'm in round 2 but i don't have opponent, so i need to wait if u understand

Yeah, just wait for the end of Round 1

FatManClt Ex: Tlblt420 or Barakel, one of the two will be his opponent in Round 2

Good luck :Heart:

Entrants list updated.

341441 I have bern tryng to search for player : "kikadodaigreja" for days ingame (blues server) coudlnt find him, also in forum i cant seem to find him. If a gm could gel in contact with him or give me his forum nickname would be Great thanks

Please check the Entrants list as I have linked up the trainer card of each player. In addition to that you can use the Find Member function on the Memberlist tab.


This is because of participants who did not show up/battle/provide proof of contact and therefore will be disqualified. I will pair up those who are already set to Battle in Round Two (this is also why I asked them to prepare/set up/battle their opponent if they had one, because it is set in stone and there's no reason why they can't start early). I will need to reseed the bracket for all other participants, to allow for the disqualifications - so you will not be fighting who you expect.


UPDATE: Read above.

339569 Hi,


i have a problem: i'm trying to contact my opponent but never find it (he is Nimrodthegoat).

i had send it pm-forum and called him in All-chat. I tryed /pm and /battle... never find. (I did screenshoot of all).


What can i do?


Finally found you, lol its too late now, I forfeited, I never got your "had send it pm-forum" though, maybe it wasn't sent.

Round One has ended.


Bracket has been updated. I am awaiting details in regards to whether or not contact was made in regards to two lots of opponents as they have not battled. This affects two Players in Round Two:

Zinsmiter RED

Enforcer RED


If contact is not made in regards to these when Round Two begins tomorrow at 8PM GMT, I will have to make edits to the Red Server Tournament to allow for this. Please do not battle before Round Two starts, just in-case this means that I have to reseed the entire bracket which will result in you fighting a new opponent.


Yellow and Blue Server are fine, you may seek your opponent for Round Two. Those who were automatically played in Round Two and have battled already, you will need to wait for Round Three.


EDIT: Have been able to fix the issue by sourcing the Players. You may begin with Round Two.

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