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Pokemon disappearing


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Good day staff

There is something wrong with my account my Pokemon keep vanishing and not because of role backs :/

As of right now there are 3 that vanished (and yes I changed my pasaword)

My Gligar : was in my pc then just vanished

My Gyarados : I still used for a PvP then put it in my pc then when I wanted to use again it was gone

My Magnezone: Was in my active 6 I logged out came back and it was gone


I hope that i can get my Pokemon back :Crazy:

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If that's happening that often to you, why not make screenshots of your boxes? At least you would have visual proof that you had. Might be a good idea to record every one of your Pokemon's ID as well. It'll probably be a lot of work, but if you want something to be done about it, you'll have to be thorough, because right now, there's no way to know for sure if your Pokemon are really disappearing.


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338559 After the other 2 yesterday I did xD

But is there like no way I can get them back :D:


There's no way to know what exact Pokemon were lost =/ There are a lot of gligar, magnezone and gyarados on the server and it'd be too time consuming without their IDs.


Official discord chat.

Be polite and patient if you need support. While users with the symbols +, % and @ are the chat staff, they are not necessarily also game staff, but they can usually advise you. That said, forums are better for reporting issues and bugs.

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so , this happened to me too and i discovered that i can have my disappeared pokemon by using the box sistem to find pokes by name. i lost my tentacruel , and only found it by its name , maybe is some bug with the drag leave sistem not creating that pokemon icon ...

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