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338250 You should invest in a Gothitelle, Bisharp, Clefable, Breloom, Magnezone, Ferrothorn, Toxic Starmie, Hydreigon, Scizor, and Togekiss.


I bold'ed the ones I think break stall in general. The other mons that I didn't bold can deal with the core of the OP, but wouldn't do much to the other 3 mons if the stall team sinergy was correctly built (let's say that blissey water core + amoonguss + clefable + spdef Exca for example).


Goth traps any mon which breaks the defensive core. Bisharp, Clefable, Breloom, Scizor and Togekiss can set up and do some damage.


You have other options, like taunt + bulk up/sd/will ho wisp Talonflame, Guts Heracross that appreciates getting status'ed, Crawdaunt also sets up an sd and crushes everything, spdef Gliscor can't get status'ed, sets up sd's and roost's easily on uninvested scalds (just gotta scout for random ice beams).

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