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I believe Shadow Tag should not be banned because Gothitelle is only good against stall-oriented teams and is rendered useless against offensive teams. Why there are many people that want it to be banned is because of the PRO rank are full with stall team, this is quite sick tho,especially when stall team vs stall team will consume hours to finish a battle, I believe the exist of Goth can be balance up this situation,people might want to increase some offensive pokemon to counter Goth instead of having full stall team.



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Vote - Ban

Shadow Tag (ST) is not competitive. ST is time-consuming. ST is free +6 Boosts with no skill required (given you don't get crit). ST is good without Team Preview. ST can beat darks with Signal Beam. ST is good without Pursuit. ST is not fun.


I dedicate this post to my senpai, Bong2015.


Repping Blaze from millions of miles away. Shoutouts to Chronos for being too nice with it. Shoutouts to the G.O.A.T. Xapoman, he's too clean.

https://prntscr.com/endhgw << my points SS etc


I vote BAN unless... you remove rest from shadow tag ability pokes. TBH shadow tag isnt the issue , even if they trap you , you can still damage them down BUT... if they mix calm mind and rest it becomes an issue. so my solution is to either remove rest from goths or just ban it



I vote DO NOT BAN because it is one of the good to counter staller like blissey and slowbro together in opponent team, if you wanna ban this, then please ban that people using bliss with slowbro or others stall team which really ruined the PvP joy, like 45 mins a match. This is ridiculous.








Reason: Well ya see, without team view this is a big problem esp when say in your team you have a starmie a magnzone and say a vaporeon and say another poke is weavile (without knowing this person has a goth it can be very bad esp if your weavile dies) Now further more when Shadow tag was introduced to competitive play pvp it was banned pretty quickly but then in time it was unbanned. Now if you could take the time and think if team view didn't exists at the time then goth would be perm banned for sure! I'm just saying this could be very annoying to a lot of players without team view, Noe personally I don't give a poop about goth bc my team isn't made up of special artists but I do see a big problem with this pokemon without team view so I will say ban this until the time we get tv then there should be no reason of bans. The real ban atm should be talon :v


Screenshot_2436.png yellow record atm




I vote : Dont bann

i dont use personnaly use gothitelle but it got a big role in our pvp . it reduce the number of cancer stall teams and the number of blissy/kleflis . you might get ride of gothitelle but you gonna just create a bigger problem where everyone is gonna start playing stall teams.

I vote [highlight=red]BANNED SHADOWTAG[/highlight]. Have a lot of pvp player has at least 1 or 2 tank in their team and not everyone has counter pokemon like weavile or bisharp or other poke counter it in their team. Imagine your opponents trap one of your pokemon and get free +6 calm mind and win this match, Unfair :Angry: . If you don't want to banned shawdowtag should have a rule BANNED REST WITH SHADOWTAG i will :y: this. Thank you for reading me. Thank you PRO.

KTG62vU.png C0QuRsB.png


Vote: Do [glow=red]not[/glow] ban Shadow Tag


  • • You can easily revenge-kill Gothitelle with a STAB Dark moves from prominent Pokemon such as Bisharp, Weavile, Absol, Tyranitar etc. Gothitelle is also easily walled by these Dark types.
  • • Gothitelle is only good against stall-oriented teams and is rendered useless against offensive teams.
  • • There aren't that many Pokemon Gothitelle can set up on in PRO. Therefore it is often dead weight in a team.
  • • Gothitelle is beaten by strong wall-breakers such as Togekiss and Mew.
  • • Banning Shadow Tag will increase the amount of stall teams and Klefki.
  • • Many players have invested many hours and a considerable amount of in-game currency to obtain viable Shadow Tag Pokemon.



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