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Ive spent 5+ hours trying to get the 3rd disk to work but have already went to every pokemon cente r in the Hoenn map 3 times. is this quest incomplete? if so please make a huge post on home page so others do not spend 5+ hours wasting it away in Hoenn the most blissful map in all pokemon game history.


Re: Hoenn Teleport quest giving me cancer


<r><QUOTE author="Moonho"><s>

</s><POST content="364355"><s></s>364355<e></e></POST> Ive spent 5+ hours trying to get the 3rd disk to work but have already went to every pokemon cente r in the Hoenn map 3 times. is this quest incomplete? if so please make a huge post on home page so others do not spend 5+ hours wasting it away in Hoenn the most cancerous map in all pokemon game history.<e>


Hello Moonho.<br/>


i made this checklist, please go to ALL pokecenters in order to actually claim that the quest is bugged


  • </s>
  • </s>Fallarbor Town</LI>
  • </s>Rustboro Town</LI>
  • </s>Lavaridge Town</LI>
  • </s>Fortree City</LI>
  • </s>Lilycove City</LI>
  • </s>Mossdeep Town</LI>
  • </s>Sootopolis City</LI>
  • </s>Ever Grande City</LI>
  • </s>Pacifidlog Town</LI>
  • </s>Slateport City</LI>
  • </s>Dewford Town</LI>
  • </s>Oldale Town</LI>
  • </s>Petalburg City</LI>
  • </s>Mauville City</LI>
  • </s>Verdaunturf Town</LI><e>


  • random number generation

An acronym for "random number generator" or "random number generation", it refers to the process by which computers generate apparently random numbers, essentially the computer equivalent of 'chance'.

Re: Hoenn Teleport quest giving me cancer


<t>Locking as you already completed your quest and it wasn't a bug.</t>


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Be polite and patient if you need support. While users with the symbols +, % and @ are the chat staff, they are not necessarily also game staff, but they can usually advise you. That said, forums are better for reporting issues and bugs.

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