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Exp share


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366381 Im sure theres alot of requests for exp share. Then why not make it a members item. And if membership runs out...it quits working. Simple

Hey Xenosfrost!


Thanks for taking your time to make a suggestion! Unfortunately as said in Please read before making a suggestion:


Exp Share

(Including Amulet Coin/Lucky Egg/Pay day bonus money)

These things won't happen as it make game become more easy, and get rid of the part of MMO. Additionally, Membership also reason why it not added.


This is a denied non-negotiable suggestion. There are a few ways to obtain exp boosts in PRO from guilds, membership, and exp boosts in the donation shop. That being said I will now lock the thread, thanks for taking your time to make a suggestion and I hope you have a great week!


Until we meet again.

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