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200311 Evasion Clause: A Pokemon may not have evasion moves in its moveset. Using evasion moves or accuracy reduction moves is forbidden. Screenshot evidence is required.

Regarding moves with a chance of accuracy/ evasion effects- All moves with a chance to reduce accuracy or raise evasion are banned from Ranked PvP.

List of moves banned by this clause:



Double Team



Leaf Tornado


Mirror Shot

Mud Bomb


Muddy Water

Night Daze


Sand Attack

Secret Power



You told me you read the rulez, yet here they are and they say its not banned LUL :y: :y: :y:

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369848 so mirror shot is banned now? I was told it wasn't last time I asked but the rules have it on the list now. just making sure before I change it. might get reported for using it since I was told it was okay before.


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369848 so mirror shot is banned now? I was told it wasn't last time I asked but the rules have it on the list now. just making sure before I change it. might get reported for using it since I was told it was okay before.


it was always banned; all accuracy reducing moves were banned but there was never a list of what moves (but every move was included)

  • random number generation

An acronym for "random number generator" or "random number generation", it refers to the process by which computers generate apparently random numbers, essentially the computer equivalent of 'chance'.

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I was told in Jan by two different peopleon here that it's was okay to use. check my post, I'm not lying. apparently they were wrong so so am too. I apologize for that but either way you're still an immature jerk who needs to grow up. so go get me banned for something I was told was okay bc you want to continue being a jerk.

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369859 I said j e r k I don't know why that's censoring it but okay. again sorry i was wrong. I hope you grow up some day

The guy who was arguing with me about the rules, after saying I was wrong about mirror shot being banned, and refused to even look at the rules is telling me to grow up.

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Hey there, Steverrobcath!

I am sorry to hear about this inconvenience. Unfortunately as PreHax has said and according to the PvP Rules Thread mirror shot is currently banned in ranked PvP due to the evasion clause.

Evasion Clause: A Pokemon may not have evasion moves in its moveset. Using evasion moves or accuracy reduction moves is forbidden. Screenshot evidence is required.

Regarding moves with a chance of accuracy/ evasion effects- All moves with a chance to reduce accuracy or raise evasion are banned from Ranked PvP.

List of moves banned by this clause:



Double Team



Leaf Tornado


Mirror Shot

Mud Bomb


Muddy Water

Night Daze


Sand Attack

Secret Power


I am sorry to have to inform you of this. I recommend checking the PvP Rules Thread every so often as it may get updated or things may get changed and you can stay up to date.



I have deleted all off-topic comments in this post. I would like to remind you both of the Forum Rules, and ask you both to please respect them.


That being said, since the question is answered I will now lock the thread. I hope you have a nice weekend :)

[glow=green]-Locked as Solved-[/glow]

Until we meet again.

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