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Hi all, i'm Catus and that's my first attempt to make a competitive pokemon team.

I've read tons of guide and that's what i've planned:

* Forretress (252def-252hp)

stealth rock

rapid spin

gyro ball

conuter/explosion (?)

* Gyaraidos (252atk-252spe)


dragon dance


ice fang

* Chansey (252def+252hp)

seismic toss



heal bell

* Gengar (252spAtk-252spe)

shadow ball



sludge bomb

* Arcanine (252atk-252spe)

flare blitz

extreme speed

wild charge


* Magnezone (172hp-252spAtk-84spe)

hidden power FIRE


tlash cannon

thunder wave


Any suggestion would be appreciated ^^ Thanks for coming here and reading my post!!

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370669 And one more thing PRO wont have team view so running chansey or blissey would be dumb on everyones part bc they will be allowing digtrio with (reveral+arenatrap) so it would be a waste of a poke

252+ Atk Dugtrio Reversal (200 BP) vs. 4 HP / 252+ Def Eviolite Chansey: 458-540 (71.3 - 84.1%)


Special thanks for Kyuuta for making this awesome sign.

370668 I would rethink this team. 1st I would like to say rain and sand teams will sweep you bad ;( not just that but talon hurts your team real bad too... and these are all over each servers meta ;-;. Just something to think about :Shocked: :Frown:


Well.... this shows my being a newbie in competitive battling x)

Anyway, thanks for your tips, I definitely appreciated them. I'll think a little more on planning the team, before blindly farm x)


Again, Thank you all!!

370669 And one more thing PRO wont have team view so running chansey or blissey would be dumb on everyones part bc they will be allowing digtrio with (reveral+arenatrap) so it would be a waste of a poke

252+ Atk Dugtrio Reversal (200 BP) vs. 4 HP / 252+ Def Eviolite Chansey: 458-540 (71.3 - 84.1%)

js b4 this happens a eq will def hit blissey even if u send it into a seistoss eq then revers its over but most the time will be a toxic or twave so its not just going to attack 1x


I would run earthquake on Forretress instead of gyro ball to prevent being trapped by magnezone. It deals more dmg against rock types like TTar too. U also cover ice pokemon with arcanine and fairy with gengar.

Would also run flare blitz, extreme speed, close combat and will-o-whisp/Thunder fang on Arcanine. Close combat to pressure TTar/blissey/snorlax and w-o-w to cripple physical attackers on the switch because u are really weak on that part. Thunder fang can be run over w-o-w to get the OHKO on Gyarados, 2HKO on tentacruel and get utility starmie in kill range with extreme speed.

Gengar can run giga drain over thunderbolt to regain hp against ground (mostly spin-blocking donphan), water and rock types (e.g. TTar resists both stab moves)


370668 I would rethink this team. 1st I would like to say rain and sand teams will sweep you bad ;( not just that but talon hurts your team real bad too... and these are all over each servers meta ;-;. Just something to think about :Shocked: :Frown:

Blissey handles special rain sweeper pretty well and forretress with counter/EQ is enough for kabutops. I would run thunder wave over toxic too because u lack strong priority (e.g. paralysed Talonflame gets outspeed by magnezone) and toxic dmg is prolly to slow for your team

Sand is handable because of forretress+Gyarados (intimidate) and if magnezone runs magnet rise over thunder wave.


370669 And one more thing PRO wont have team view so running chansey or blissey would be dumb on everyones part bc they will be allowing digtrio with (reveral+arenatrap) so it would be a waste of a poke

even if arena trap would work dugtrio (with 21+ hp iv's) cant switch into blissey's seismic toss if stealth rock is up. And without stealth rock u still deal 94% of dugtrios hp

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