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Yea tbh the meta these days are either rain/sand teams. But i believe maybe with the right pokes and such a sun team could work.


Chlorophyll venusaur would be awesome however as was said, it will be hard to hunt since it is h.a.


I also like Chlorophyll adamant Leavanny since it also has access to knock off and swords dance can provide some worth.


A mixed Chlorophyll Victreebell could be amazing if im thinking about this right. Could be unexpected for the opponents pvp team.


There are plenty of other poke but it would be hard to put together to counter the main meta these days. Good luck though. ^_^

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What about it?


Ninetales (F) @ Heat Rock

Ability: Drought

EVs: 56 HP / 200 SpA / 252 Spe

Timid Nature

IVs: 0 Atk

- Will-O-Wisp

- Flamethrower

- Solar Beam

- Protect


Tangrowth (M) @ Leftovers

Ability: Chlorophyll

EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA

Bold Nature

IVs: 0 Atk

- Protect

- Giga Drain

- Leech Seed

- Sleep Powder


Exeggutor @ Life Orb

Ability: Chlorophyll

EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

Modest Nature

IVs: 0 Atk

- Psychic

- Solar Beam

- Ancient Power

- Sludge Bomb


Arcanine (M) @ Heat Rock

Ability: Flash Fire

EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 SpD

Calm Nature

IVs: 0 Atk

- Sunny Day

- Morning Sun

- Snarl

- Flamethrower


Leavanny @ Life Orb

Ability: Chlorophyll

EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

Adamant Nature

- X-Scissor

- Leaf Blade

- Poison Jab

- Knock Off


Rapidash @ Life Orb

Ability: Flash Fire

EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

Jolly Nature

- Megahorn

- Flare Blitz

- Wild Charge

- Poison Jab

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I used sun a little bit before i stopped PvP.

sun has too many disadvantage compared to rain/sand:

- drought setter are weak to stealth rock so you kinda need a spinner/defogger (PRO's rain/sand setter arent and gen 7 Pelipper has access to defog and roost itself)

- besides armaldo and beartic all swift swim user are water types so they get the additional 50% boost on their stab attack in rain while there is no chlorophyll pokemon with a fire typing

- chlorophyll sweeper have a bad offensive presence because of the grass typing (strong against 3, weak against 7 typings) and none of them has a second offensive typing (fight, ground, fire, rock, ice). In comparison almost all special attacking swift swim user can carry ice beam as coverage against grass and dragon leaving only water uncovered but rain+stab boost compansates for that

- chlorophyll sweeper are weak to gale wings talonflame

- besides victreebel all chlorphyll sweeper rely on H.P. fire as coverage against opposing grass, bug or steel pokemon but it's only a 90 BP

- chlorophyll is hard to get if it's the h.a. (venusaur, leafeon)

- steel is ressisting grass, bug, flying, psychic, fairy and normal leaving only shiftry with an unresisted stab attack

- solar beam is a straight up bad move (120 BP in sun, 60 in neutral weather and 30 in sand/rain/hail) additionally locking you in if sun fades/another weather is set up. In comparison even Scald is a 120 BP move in rain, 40 in sun and 80 in the rest but has a nice 30% burn chance and more PP (surf and hydro pump are even stronger)

- Ninetales is the worst weather inducer available because:

a) it's too fast

b) it has little bulk nor good recovery

c) because of b) and it's fire typing it cant switch into Politoed, Tyranitar or Hippowdon but they can switch into ninetales because solar beam is the only coverage move (energy ball is not available and weaker in sun)


Even with the changes of gen 7 (gale wings nerf and Torkoal getting drought) i dont see sun nearly as powerfull as sand/rain because of the typing disadvantage, lower base stats and weaker moves. Charizard-Y has drought but the disadvantage of not carrying heat rock and the high SpAtk stat and good coverage makes chlorophyll sweeper almost irrelevant.


If you want to use sun in PRO:

- dont use ninetales it's too bad!!!

- induce sun via sunny day+heat rock with a bulky pokemon like Arcanine (get's a boost in morning sun and flare blitz), Slowking (with a calm nature and SpDef investment is a good counter to rain and has enough sustain through regenerator and slack off), Tangrowth (with regenerator) or Blissey. They have recovery and guaranteed switch ins

- dont pick more than two chlorophyll sweeper!!!

- if you want to use venusaur dont use a modest one it just gets walled by blissey/chansey or Goodra (list is even longer). Use a mixed one (+Atk/SpAtk, -Def) because growth boost Atk and SpAtk (by 2 stages in sun). Invest into speed till you reach 199 Speed that's enough to outspeed jolly/timid base 130 like crobat/jolteon in sun and enough to outspeed every uninvested base 81 pokemon like Milotic if sun faded. Increase the speed investment if you have trouble with some choice scarf users but it's better to cover them with the rest of the team. the rest goes into Atk and SpAtk. Besides Sludge bomb you can use leaf storm, petal blizzard, petal dance or power whip as second stab move and earthquake as coverage move against fire, steel, poison and if you use leaf storm/petal dance to hurt special walls

- choice scarf magnezone with magnet pull is a great addition as it can trap ferrothorn and scizor

- impish donphan is a great addition to a sun team because it handles Talonflame with rock slide and stealth rock, has access to rapid spin and earthquake to pressure steel types

- lanturn is another pokemon being able to handle talonflame and rain teams and has access to slow volt switches

- to keep stealth rock on the bord think about a spin blocker


other chlorophyll sweeper:

- Victreebel (+SpAtk/Atk, -Def): growth, leaf blade/power whip, sludge bomb, weather ball

needs a little bit more investment into speed than venusaur but has a higher Atk value

- Shiftry (lonely): swords dance, sucker punch, knock off, leaf storm

is the only chlorophyll sweeper that can kill talonflame with a +2 sucker punch if the sun is up.

-Exeggutor (modest): psyshock, leaf storm, H.P. fire, rock slide/synthesis/sunny day/sleep powder

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Oh man, thank you very much. I didn't know that sun teams have so much weak spots. I'm not going to make that team. Thank you!


EDIT: Can I PM you with questions about making a team?


feel free to contact me.

Nevertheless i didnt want to scare anyone from building a sun team. It works if u build it properly against the current meta but it needs way more brainstorming and knowledge than a rain team (e.g. Politoed, ms Dragonite, Ludicolo, Omastar/Kabutops, lightning rod and a 6th pokemon). It's more of a niche than a mainstream team but niches are important to get the meta shifting. Teampreview would actually help a lot because u can hide the information that u use a sun team, while rain/sand is obvious and u see the potential switch ins.

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Oh man, thank you very much. I didn't know that sun teams have so much weak spots. I'm not going to make that team. Thank you!


EDIT: Can I PM you with questions about making a team?


feel free to contact me.

Nevertheless i didnt want to scare anyone from building a sun team. It works if u build it properly against the current meta but it needs way more brainstorming and knowledge than a rain team (e.g. Politoed, ms Dragonite, Ludicolo, Omastar/Kabutops, lightning rod and a 6th pokemon). It's more of a niche than a mainstream team but niches are important to get the meta shifting. Teampreview would actually help a lot because u can hide the information that u use a sun team, while rain/sand is obvious and u see the potential switch ins.


Any sun build would have to be rather formulaic as well.




Volcarona / Chandelure / Darmanitan / Blaziken


Bird check, probably Tyranitar


Thanks to MadFrost for the signature!

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