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So just picked up the game agin and wanted to know a few things .

I normaly play on yellow but that may change on the number of players still around /prices


1 Whats the running price of ms now a days.I seen there are 3 diff ms now .


2 what poke are selling well right now .I use to sell happiny and dratini alot but it has been 3 months so was woundering what mainly used and sold now adays.


3Are there still some items that sell for a good bit


4 what server have the most players also the best prices on ms


and ty vor any info

Goal right now is just to get back in to the swing of things and relearn all the prices and build up some hrs because its the only thing holding me back from the new island :Frown:

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Welcome back o7


1. 350k for 15day MS/700k for 30day MS

2. Donphan/Tang/Dratini/H.A Blaziken/Talonflame/Garchomp H.A/Clefable, a lot of pokemon who got their abilites coded

3. all new PVP items (Choice Items/Orbs)

  • random number generation

An acronym for "random number generator" or "random number generation", it refers to the process by which computers generate apparently random numbers, essentially the computer equivalent of 'chance'.

So just picked up the game agin and wanted to know a few things .

I normaly play on yellow but that may change on the number of players still around /prices


1 Whats the running price of ms now a days.I seen there are 3 diff ms now .


2 what poke are selling well right now .I use to sell happiny and dratini alot but it has been 3 months so was woundering what mainly used and sold now adays.


3Are there still some items that sell for a good bit


4 what server have the most players also the best prices on ms


and ty vor any info

Goal right now is just to get back in to the swing of things and relearn all the prices and build up some hrs because its the only thing holding me back from the new island :Frown:


4. Most player is blue cuz it's the default server atm. Best ms prices are on red 250k 15 days and 450k 30day :Angel:


Welcome Back~



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Shiny collector and Proud Member of BlaZe~


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