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Hi everyone! :Shy:


I started playing in 2015, but due to complications had to stop and lost interest in the game before I even defeated the Kanto league.However, recently, I decided to revisit the game, and fell in love with it; its charm, community, and overall polish. Its experience is better then it was a while ago.


So, I know a lot of you have joined since I started, and I just wanted to introduce myself to those I haven't met. I really like PRO, and I hope to see some of you in-game soon!

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Hey Teramiiko and welcome back to pro!

Feel free to check out the Announcements sub-forum and the Downloads and Update logs to catch up on all the things you missed while you were away! We also have various ways to support you - you can check our Game Guides and the PRO Wiki or seek out Live Chat support via our IRC Channel. Feel free to also check out our Facebook Page, Twitter, Youtube Channel, and Instagram as well! Good luck, have fun, and enjoy your game! :)

Until we meet again.

welcome back o/

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