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:Frown: I want to catch Mew but when i was going in the kanto pokemon league in victory road my poke was had low HP then i was skipping the NPC and i saw moltress in front of me i skip again and i cant get the info of moltress in the pokedex how can i catch mew. And i was skipping by logout and login before they start battling with me now i want to know how can i get the info of moltress for my pokedex i it need it to catch mew.plz help me :thanks:

:Frown: I want to catch Mew but when i was going in the kanto pokemon league in victory road my poke was had low HP then i was skipping the NPC and i saw moltress in front of me i skip again and i cant get the info of moltress in the pokedex how can i catch mew. And i was skipping by logout and login before they start battling with me now i want to know how can i get the info of moltress for my pokedex i it need it to catch mew.plz help me :thanks:


Hello Bellal,


you skipped the fight with Moltres, so you dc'd during the fight or what?

  • random number generation

An acronym for "random number generator" or "random number generation", it refers to the process by which computers generate apparently random numbers, essentially the computer equivalent of 'chance'.

sorry but before our battle was going to start i skip it so that's why i cant get its information. my pokemon wasn't able to battle with anyone and if i lost battle i have to start the journey again so i was skipping them but when i go to moltress i was scare and when i talk to him i quick logout but that time i wasn't know that i need his info to catch mew i though i can meet him again but now i m stuck please help me



Did you check if you have the Pokedex data, you don't have to beat Moltres or anything, just starting the fight should be enough to get the dex entry, if it's not and Moltres is still missing then wait for a CS/Admin to take care of it. :)

  • random number generation

An acronym for "random number generator" or "random number generation", it refers to the process by which computers generate apparently random numbers, essentially the computer equivalent of 'chance'.


Hey there Bellal!

I am sorry to hear about this inconvenience. There should be a pc in the corner of Professor Oak's Laboratory in Pallet Town that can give you the data in this situation. Have you tried checking it out as NamelessHero27 suggested?

Until we meet again.

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