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Another Awesome Nintendo Switch Giveaway!

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That's my user...

Been playing almost or a little over 50hrs.

Love this game a ton. Mix of my favorite game and favorite style of game.


When will you guys be doing another event? Like with event pokes?? I really would like to catch an event poke of my own :)

username: Linkaros

country: greece

as i said in the first give away...mostly 2 play the new zelda..cause its my fav game series by far!! good luck everyone :Angel: :Heart:


Hello everyone, Shane here with some more good news. I learnt how to copy/paste so here is [glow=#00BFFF]giveaway #2[/glow]


lets get down to business!

PRO will be giving away another Nintendo Switch to a lucky winner!

For those who do not know what this is, you can check out Nintendo's awesome new console here -> https://www.nintendo.com.au/nintendo-switch


So how do you win this bad boy do you ask?

1. The answer is simple, share this forum post around to your friends, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube etc! We would love to see more people around so we can do more of these!

2. Support PRO! Just play it!

3. Behave, be a good sport, we can't really reward trolls! :)

4. Be sure you are in a country Australia is allowed to post to, don't stress, this should be almost everywhere except like North Korea.

5. Do not create fake accounts to enter, we will check, so you better have some decent game progress!

6. And most importantly, post in this topic with your username and state why this Switch should be in your lovely hands!

7. This ones optional, but it certainly helps do more give aways like this! - Buy some ingame coins!


The winner will be drawn on my live twitch stream around the end of May https://twitch.tv/shane8th, So we have about 3 weeks!

I will post details about that closer to the date.


Spread the word share facebook with your friends here: https://www.facebook.com/prevolutiononline/



I'm Redrex in game.I'm from Italy.I buy 100 coins in game.I would like the Nintendo Switch because I would like to try the first nintendo of my life and I want to bring a series on pokemon revolution with the nintendo switch.It does not matter if I do not win ... it would be a great experience!

Username: Ataku

Country: Canada



I would like to win the switch in order to give it to my sister. She has allergies to almost everything (nuts, alvacado, oranges being the main ones), and she has asked for this is the past. But, due to my families money issues we are not able to get this for her.


winning this giveaway would mean the world to me, just to give such a device to my sister.

username: avivi1234

country: Israel

and why i think i deserve it?

Because i love pokemon so much since i was a little kid

+i want to play all the pokes game after black and white 2 .. those with 3ds emu because the first time i saw it and even today im so excited to play it but i cant :(

cause no money and my parents not give me a single coin.. hope i would win i will be the happiest kid in the world .

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