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Trade Chat/People reaction to Fletchinder Spawn

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Let's talk about that. I think it's pretty weird.


So, H.A. Fletc. (if not epic) went from millions to nothing, and why? Because now Fletchinder spawn. But what's the logic beyond this?


An example?

Dratini spawn. Dratini and Fletchinder got the same rarity tier (at least, it looks like that after many safari run). Dratini best spots are Love Island (pay 5k to enter, only night) and Dragons Den (all day), not ms. Fletchinder only spawn in Safari Hoenn (pay 5k to enter), only day and morning, only MS. So I would say it's easier to find H.A. Dratini then H.A. Fletchinder.

Still I saw no nature decent multiscale Dragonite got sold for lot of money. Why? Because they are very rare and hard to find.


But, for some reason, trade chat logic is that now that Fletchinder spawn a not epic H.A. worth noting, and you can spam it in trade for hrs and get no offer at all, or maybe a 30/40k offer. :Grin:


So my question is, what's the logic beyond this? Of course Talons prices are dropping after the spawn, it's quite normal, but going from millions to nothing... why people react this way? :confused:

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It's the overreaction phase. Everyone THINKS that since you can farm them they are somehow common. They're not. The dratini example is perfect. Just because it spawns doesn't mean everyone has a Multiscale Dragonite.


The reaction was similar with eevee. Now that people want H.A for magic bounce and whatnot, it's still insanely rare to get and I've only seen a couple decent ones on Blue Server.


I guess what i'm saying is just ride the storm out right now. Everyone will probably go and farm them soon, there will be a small influx of talonflames, then the market (will be slightly less than before) will return with jolly/ada H.A going for 1m+.





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Let's talk about that. I think it's pretty weird.


So, H.A. Fletc. (if not epic) went from millions to nothing, and why? Because now Fletchinder spawn. But what's the logic beyond this?


An example?

Dratini spawn. Dratini and Fletchinder got the same rarity tier (at least, it looks like that after many safari run). Dratini best spots are Love Island (pay 5k to enter, only night) and Dragons Den (all day), not ms. Fletchinder only spawn in Safari Hoenn (pay 5k to enter), only day and morning, only MS. So I would say it's easier to find H.A. Dratini then H.A. Fletchinder.

Still I saw no nature decent multiscale Dragonite got sold for lot of money. Why? Because they are very rare and hard to find.


But, for some reason, trade chat logic is that now that Fletchinder spawn a not epic H.A. worth noting, and you can spam it in trade for hrs and get no offer at all, or maybe a 30/40k offer. :Grin:


So my question is, what's the logic beyond this? Of course Talons prices are dropping after the spawn, it's quite normal, but going from millions to nothing... why people react this way? :confused:


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In reality it is much more complex than that, I do not know if you have noticed but for a few months the game has lost a very large number of players, just looked at the Red server it is difficult to overcome the 500/600 players, So the price of all pokemons have dropped, especially as most pvp players here already have a powerful Talonflame so has less than one Really powerful talonflame (who will sell millions) prices will be forced lower, and yes the fact now that it is farmable logically drops the price.


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what's the logic beyond this?
I think its normal.


No offense intended but, it seems this is a rant of someone who is depressed of why he cant sold a single fletch.-- I just find it too funny for me xD





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It should go back to normal once they realized that due to the rarity, they are going to spend millions of pokedollars just to get one decent HA Fletch from safari lol.


They'll stop farming and return to buying, and the small amount of sellers should be able to raise the price again.


At least that's the theory.





Either way, at least this means Shiny Talonflame is now possible to be obtained by normal players :Crazy:

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Panic. That's all it is. Many Talonflame owners are trying to get rid of their ones in anticipation of the drop in their value and they also start undercutting each other, so the prices keep dropping. While those who don't own Talonflames think they could catch one fairly easily now that they spawn, so they're not quite interested in buying them. So at the moment Supply > Demand.


For some people, if not most, hunting a Fletchinder will likely cost (MS+safari+balls) more than it would have if they bought one. People like to gamble, it's in our nature... Just give it time. When hunters start realizing that it's not too easy to find one & when sellers see that, the prices will go up I think and may even peak at some point, higher than how much they costed a week ago, then stabilize.


Btw I wanna mention the power of Fletchinder spawn. Blue usually peaked at around 800 people online at a time for the past month or so. Now it's 1,100.

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Either way, at least this means Shiny Talonflame is now possible to be obtained by normal players :Crazy:



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