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Couple of suggestions


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Helly, my name is Nasulelijah or Eli as community knows me, thanks for all that you are doing for the game and down bellow i have some couple of suggestions that might be brought into the attention or not, doesn`t matter i will just point them all as me being fair to the limit.


1. First suggestion that came to me was while i talked in the PRO Official Discord is the Stealth Rock move tutor, as many of you know the location of it is in a bad place for many of us wich is Johto Safari, the price for this move is basicaly this: Pay 5k for safari trip, pay ( if you don`t have monthly pass ) for teleporters to Olivine City/Cianwood City, pay the 12/15k ( can`t really remember now ) price for the move wich is good ( i don`t say to change the price ) + of course the time you make going there as you many know, is pretty far away and i find the compensation not being worth, alot of people do pvp and change theyr move set and so not every pokemon has access to this move as an egg move is painfull to go there pay double the money almost and not really being rewarded that much, i please consider at least if you don`t want to change the location being closer ( let`s say Olivine city maybe or Cianwood ) at least put it out of the Johto Safari and in the zone near.


2. Second suggestion will be for pvp as in the preview teams, as far as i know from people and staff as i played this game for over a year, this is something that mostly will not bring back to the game but hopefully with the correct motivation you can do so. Why we will do this ? ( some of you may ask ), well imagine you go into pvp and many players ( when i say many 80% of them that do pvp daily is a fair number ) lose because of the aspect of no team preview, for exemple you start with an azumarill and the opponent start with an dragonite, i am asking you find it nice to start with an handicapp for your team by needing to switch ? Yeah probably you will say ,,Eli you need to make strategic plays, stop complaining`` well i give you a fair point tho, but not everyone is up for that, playing like this i mean, and if you want a really good pro against this, you can make the battle even more interesting and stratigic play better since that will matter only on you and only YOU if you really can win the battle or not, and not depending on a ,,stupid`` system that may make you lose the battle, me i find it very unfair and is tilting me sometimes into giving up on a battle or so.


3. Third suggestion will be the boss revamps, you will say ,,Eli but the boss did got revamped`` ,, well as it may be true as the player base goes down also is still room for improvement, i do not ask for lower cooldowns or easy battles, not at all, but take this in consideration, for a normal player you fight the boss Ravine ( the first that comes in mind ), yeah ok with a modest seaking lightning road you can easy take it out but before this, the battle was kinda intense, and as a reward what most of us got ? Well 3 ultra balls, some potions, like as the harder the battle is, the reward is being poorly and not really help the new players maybe, i don`t even talk about us old players, don`t you think it will be nice to get better rewards ( not op rewards ) but better as in terms of High Risk High Reward ? What is the risk you will ask ? Well is pretty much the time you have for every boss, the may posible lost due to a high crit or rng thing or a disconection because of the game or yourself. What i have as an idea while i was talking to Thor couple of days ago and he may or not told me the bosses are being revamped take this in consideration, remove the rewards that we can get easy ( potions/pokeballs/revives stuff like this, keep rare candys but made the number at least 10 for every boss that has it, so it will be worth it and really usable ) and put in exchange more pokemons as a reward as most of us will look for ( AGAIN, i am not asking to put rare pokemons only, no just keep the base ones and the third reward thing wich is very good for us ^_^ ) and maybe put some rare items like battle items ? Give a chance to new players to get theyr attention into the pvp thing ( myself if i was battling a boss and finishing the game, i may get bored sometimes, i see oh look i got a life orb from a boss, even tho i am poor and can`t buy one or afford due to not being experiencing in battle enough, i can start make a team, learn something, being good and advance, i might stay more into the game ) Do i think wrong of this ? No. This is the short term of rewards, if you want suggestions about all the rewards myself or the community wants we can make a thread about that also, or i can simply tell you in my oppinion wich rewards ,,SUCK`` as i will point out the bad term and wich are nice to bother yourself in doing the battles.


4. The final thing and is a short one, as i saw a post earlier, is the position of some bosses, myself i will not find it nice to being forced to pay for a Membership Medalion, go battle Bugsy, get a shit reward, going into vacation because i can`t play that 15 days/30 days and lose advantage that the medalion may add me, ok it can give a nice pokemon as Snivy, ok i will be fine if i go battle him and i instantly get a chosen reward i would like, that it will be fair from both points of view like ,,You want a directly epic pokemon ? Ok get yourself a medalion, battle bugsy, get a pokemon nice`` and how is it ,,You want a posible trash reward ? Ok get yourself a medalion, battle bugsy, and may cry after the reward``



I am open to hate or improvement and good toughts about my ideas, is something i gathered from some players over the past few days and hear this out, i will not let this thread to go to recycle bin, i will bump it untill my voice/our voices will be hear ^_^. Thank you and have a nice day/night and also see you on the game

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1. Walk it and save money. You can't have all tutors in one spot and all tutors are far depending on where your starting point is. The tutor being in Safari doesn't change much. Think of it as a move that costs 20k instead of 15k for peace of mind.


2. Yep, team preview is necessary.


3. Yep, whoever thought about the rewards is pretty stingy. We can't spam them continuously, we can only get a reward once every 12 days. At least make it worth the wait. I'm pretty sure no one could care less about a Mystic Water. Zzzzz.


4. It kinda sucks tbh but those bosses aren't really 'musts' and I can see why they want to have MS exclusive bosses (donations). I don't disagree with you, but I don't disagree with the staff's decision about these bosses either.

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If I'm reading it right, your #3 suggestion is basically "remove the useless rewards from bosses", right?


Is not really that, but i feel them rewarding poorly in comparation for what we need to do to win overall, most of us wants pokemons or some usable items, not some revives/great balls that we can buy from anywhere ^_^

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1. Walk it and save money. You can't have all tutors in one spot and all tutors are far depending on where your starting point is. The tutor being in Safari doesn't change much. Think of it as a move that costs 20k instead of 15k for peace of mind.


2. Yep, team preview is necessary.


3. Yep, whoever thought about the rewards is pretty stingy. We can't spam them continuously, we can only get a reward once every 12 days. At least make it worth the wait. I'm pretty sure no one could care less about a Mystic Water. Zzzzz.


4. It kinda sucks tbh but those bosses aren't really 'musts' and I can see why they want to have MS exclusive bosses (donations). I don't disagree with you, but I don't disagree with the staff's decision about these bosses either.


thank you for your response ^_^ as always fairness is welcome and i am glad to see that some points are on another player

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Some bosses do need tweaking, and i will be looking at these over the next few weeks.


also FYI i didnt know how bad ravines rewards are (i didnt make that boss, so sorry about that one).


The base rewards wont be changing much, however money payouts will be increasing, and theres the potential to get a donation coin or 2 per boss win, so thats something to think about too.


And, also...more bosses :P


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i agree with number 4 bugsy need ms -.-' and now boss from sevii island 2 need ms -.-' to boss fron sevii island 2 no ms = no phione -.-' = pay to win to get a pseud-legendary -.-'


Pay to win? Fuck off.


Phione is a trinket at best. I added it as a thank you to MS players for their continued support in keeping the servers up. and as for Bugsy, I would check again before complaining.


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