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Forum post


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Hello is it possible to transfer the ownership of forum post to another guy? If yes, transfer this to [mention]akaiakuma[/mention] https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=35&t=67052 since he is the new leader of the guild

From the day you were born, and took your first breath... I've been beside you. Be not afraid, fear not the name of the reaper.

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Hello [mention]Carlito2[/mention],


yes it's possible to give the ownership of a thread to someone else; well we can't do it but a staff can; so just wait for someone to do it :p

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Hello @Carlito2,


yes it's possible to give the ownership of a thread to someone else; well we can't do it but a staff can; so just wait for someone to do it :p


Kewl thanks.

From the day you were born, and took your first breath... I've been beside you. Be not afraid, fear not the name of the reaper.

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