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Hello all,


I thought some of you veterans could help out real quick. I am building a team to take down bosses more easily; however, I am stuck as far as a moveset goes for Clefable (currently 79 clefairy). Seems to be more of a complicated poke than others. For instance, Clefable cannot learn moonblast and so I must make the determination on whether I want that before I evolve. Softboiled, while I was using it as Cleffa, shows on bulpedia that none of the evo's can even learn it. So I am scared its another move I could regret not having at 100 Clefable.


Again, I am building this solely for boss fights. I will attach a pic of the current state. Thanks for any advice.



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Theres only once i saw a clef sweep but it was only vs chuck. Using calm mind - fthrower-moonblast-twave/softboiled


I would recommend to take advantage of npc's weakness: no swiching. By that you could just cripple its lead poke(full reduced accuracy) and buff the sweeper with dragondance/swordsdance/agility etc.





Our present sufferings are not worth comparing

to the glory that will be revealed in us.

-Romans 8:18

When a boss is starting with a spatk poke ---> Clefable. (Ok not for every boss but for some)


You can do x6 calm mind (First move), when you have low hp do recover (second move) be super tanky and spamm moonblast (third move), you wont get 1 shotted by the most physical attackers. If the boss is swapping to a special attacker you can heal up again. As 4th move maybe a other special attack move.


You can swap a few bosses with it (like 2-3) I knowe that because I did it. Only problem is when the npc crits you while stacking calm mind (Crits ignore your stacks) so be sure to have much hp. Another not so nice thing is when the npc s using a physical poke wich can 1 shot you :P


I use Mew for some bosses (same build)because its basicly the same when you stacked calm mind just that mew is faster :P




Ok thanks all ^_^


Hello Ostrago,


As it's not General Support topic, i moved your topic into the proper forum, indeed it suits in General Game Talk :)


Please only use General Support when there is a problem to solve and not to have some advice on movesets/pokemons/strategy.


I also saw you found an answer that suits you so i'm going to lock the topic as solved.


Have a great day and be the very best !

Sometimes, Patience is the real key to everything.

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