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BOSS bug!!


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good evening :)) .. i was doing bosses today..specificly kanto's..and forgot 2 take pikachu with me while was fighting jessie and they didnt asked it...i cant provide screenshot atm cause i am from phone but i will later if u need one..u can check it by yourself too i guess..just i owed to inform u!! have a nice day

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Can you please provide screenshots so content scripters will check the 'error' ?

Time is like a sword, if you don't cut it, it will cut you.

.الوقت كالسيف, إن لم تقطعه قطعك

- Al-Shafi‘i

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Hello, and thank you for dutifully reporting what you inferred to be a bug, but I can disconfirm it; it is working as intended.


If Pikachu is your starter-Pokémon selectee, the boss in question will not stipulate that it must be on-hand in order for it to be challengable; you only need to be registered as a Pikachu-starter, which is discernible to scripts without its insertion in your on-hand lineup.


This is a similar parameter employed for other clausal perks of starting with the Electric-type starter, such as its individualized Surf-tutor; because an identificatory variable is registered to your account in unison with selecting your starter Pokemon, the scripts can ascertain that you started with Pikachu by reading that variable, thereby denecessitating the Pokémon-selector prompt.


Topic locked, as there is no aberration, here. :)

Do not contact staff members for private support. Share the question on the forums due to being of use to others. Please use proper forum. Unsolicited messages will be trashed. Thanks.

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