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In-game name: Rayns12002

Server: Silver

Pokemon ID and/or screenshot: https://gyazo.com/f3966e9326f53a9c267e447ffb6dc6f2


Delevel successful! Your Pokemon is now Level 99, enjoy! :RowletHeart: —Astraea
Edited by Astraea

Hola si quieren algo avísenme 7u7

I trained my Gastly to level 100 and from level 99 to 100 i pressed yes for the evolve but it didnt evolve but the level increased to 100 what to do now ?


Delevel successful! Your Pokemon is now Level 99, enjoy! :RowletHeart: —Astraea


Edited by Astraea



I am on SIlber and my Nickname is Fhil.


i have 2 request.


Can you make my Magneton one Level lower pls.


Delevel successful! Your Pokemon is now Level 99, enjoy! :RowletHeart: —Astraea


And I have evolve my Doublade to Aegislash. But Aegislash ability and attack King's Shield is not coded. Can u revoked the evolve back to Doublade pls.



Unfortunately, we cannot 'de-evolve' your Pokemon, sorry for any inconveniences caused. —Astraea :PiplupCry:


I hope my request are both possible and I would say thx.


Have a nice day :)

Edited by Astraea

In-game name: Kellsbelles

Server: Silver

Pokemon ID and/or screenshot: 6786966


My apologies, I forgot that Sneasel does not evolve through trade. Thank you very much for your time!


Your Sneasel is now level 99. Please be more careful next time! :3

Eu estava apenas começando meu shinx que eu distrair-me em uma chamada de voz com meus amigos e acabou-se meus dois shinxs pro lvl 100, e eu não sei o que fazer para evoluir-nos agora haha


Solicitação de Delevel :


Nome do jogo: Samonosuke

Servidor: Gold

ID de Pokemon e / ou captura de tela: shinx 1: 14183403/ shinx 2: 14192928


distract me and raise my two shinx pro lvl 100 :PiplupCry:


Both your Shinx have been de-leveled to 98. Please be more careful next time!

In-game name: Edwinedm

Server: Gold

Timezone: GMT-5


I accidentally leveled my Riolu to level 100 and need help to evolve it into Lucario. I'm available from 11 PM till 3 AM GMT-5. Thanks!

You can evolve the Riolu still without our help; make sure to have max happiness (255) and make it battle during the day.

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