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I help please, I do not evolve my dragonair to dragonite, please help me.


<r><IMG src="https://s18.postimg.org/44djmngop/dragonair.png"><s></e></IMG><br/>



</s><COLOR color="#FF0000"><s></s>Resolved ingame, enjoy!<e></e></COLOR><e>




Sadly, Kirlia cant evolve with this method to Gardevoir, Im sorry :(



We can not return it to kirlia, This only works for some pokemons that are in the first and base evolution, I'm sorry :(



Solved ingame, Enjoy!



Can you tell me your server and GMT please? It will help us to meet you ingame more easly!



Solved ingame by Shamac, Enjoy!


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Hi guys,


I make my magneton to lvl 100 and I totaly forgot that he need to be in power plant........

If I can get a rollback from 100 to 99 it would be realy helpfull !


Ingame name: Necrogimp

Server: Yellow

Timezone: UTC +1

pokemon id : 12516927


[mod=Calahan]Unfortunately, we can't provide de-evolution or de-level assistance; we also can't evolve pokémon that require specific areas to evolve, as mentioned in the main post;

Sorry for your inconvenience, please be more careful next time :Shy: [/mod]

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