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In-game name: Moyses

Server: Gold


I have a Sneasel at 100 i want to envolve how can i do this now is on 100lvl?




Moyses, GoldServer


Your Sneasel has been deleveled. Please be careful next time. Also, you'll need to level him up at night while holding a Razor Claw. Enjoy!


Edited by Fluffles

Hi, i need to evolve my Kadabra into an Alakazam. Thanks :D


In-game name: Comamanel

Server: Silver

Timezone: GMT+1




Edit : a GM send me a message when I was AFK for a few moments, but I got disconnected when I came back and saw that, and couldn't note his name :(

Edited by Comamanel

Sory can you delevel my Luxio from lvl 100 to 99?

My data is:

In-game name: ColdGamer

Server: Gold Server

Pokemon ID: 17980596

Thank you


Your Luxio has been deleveled. Please be careful next time. Enjoy!


Edited by Fluffles


Is it possible to level-down this poke to lvl99 ?


Server : Gold

Username : Marouflard

Pokemon id : 17917257





Your Gligar has been deleveled. Please be careful next time. Enjoy!



Edited by Fluffles

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